Find the right word in a sentence

Writing on the computer, a document, a book, an email or whatever it is, one often stops to think about which word may be most appropriate for a given context.
With the internet available, you can use Google to find in which texts specific terms or phrases are used .
If then you had the doubt if to use a word or another to say the same thing, looking for both words on Google you can guess which one is the most used counting the results found, looking for both terms, from the search engine.
Not only does Google become useful in writing (or speaking) better in Italian, but especially if you need to write in English or in other foreign languages, so as not to make mistakes.
To do this more quickly, there is a website that makes an automatic count of the results found by Google by comparing two words to choose the most correct and indicated word to write. is a very simple and fast web application that allows you to find the words as they were written in newspapers and in the main information sites
You can therefore find the context in which a word is used to understand its correct meaning.
In the drop-down menu, you can choose the Italian, English, French, Spanish, German and Portuguese language.
A similar but much less beautiful site (also because it has existed for many years) is GoogleFight which is still very nice for animations, to check which of the two terms is most used.
For example, you can see if it is better to write " on the internet " or " on the internet ", see which of the two expressions is most used and also check which sentences it is in.
" In internet " wins but, looking at the results below, it turns out that " on the internet " is Italian while " on the internet " is an expression used above all by those who write in English.
In short, if you want to be sure to use a term in the right context, this could be a quick and easy resource.

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