Turn on, use and turn off the computer from smartphone

There are many programs to control the PC remotely from the smartphone via the internet, but if you want something simpler, just to open programs, to open files or to start / stop video playback on the PC from the sofa or bed at home, there is a really comfortable program designed just for this need.
This type of app is really simple to configure and is particularly useful for those who use the PC connected to the TV also via Chromecast to watch movies or videos in streaming and also for those who use the computer to listen to music, mp3 files or from sites such as Spotify and Youtube.
The only requirement is that the PC and smartphone are connected via Wifi network (perhaps connected to the same router) or via Bluetooth.
The program to be used to control, switch the PC on and off from a smartphone is Unified Remote, a program available for every type of computer (Windows, Linux and Mac PC) and for every type of smartphone (Android, Windows and iPhone), in version Free.
Starting from the official website, you can download the server program on the computer to be controlled and then the app on the smartphone to be used as if it were a remote control.
The installation of the program on PC is completely automatic and without spyware or adware traps.
Once finished, make sure the server program is running on the PC, open the application on the phone and view how the scan finds the PC connected to the same local area network.
The app therefore allows you to do any type of operation on the PC without having to enter the remote desktop.
You can then use the mouse from a smartphone by moving your finger on the screen, you can turn off or lock the PC remotely, you can control the player used to watch videos or listen to music, you can open any file on your computer or run a program, you can also write from the mobile phone using the mobile phone as a wifi keyboard and if configured, it is also able to turn on the computer from a mobile phone using the Wake on lan
In fact, the smartphone becomes a computer remote control and this is the perfect app to use a media center connected to the TV or to control the PC from the bed or sitting on the sofa.
READ ALSO: Youtube remote control on PC with mobile phone

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