Print two pages per sheet as a book, booklet or booklet

Those who write or edit books and term papers on the computer may be interested in a small and very simple program that transforms the layout of a PDF file to facilitate the printing of a book .
Practically you create a copy of the PDF with a layout of your choice, with two pages side by side on the same sheet or with the page numbering so that, when you print it, you can bind it like a book .
Not that this can't be done with standard Microsft Word tools or via advanced printer manager settings, but this tool does the job faster, with two-click simplicity.
The program is free and is called Simple imposition and can be downloaded for free from the manufacturer's website by clicking on the green text link Download (attention to advertising).
You can print an ebook or PDF document giving it the shape of a booklet to make it look more like a real book or booklet.
The technique is to print 2 pages per sheet also useful to save paper.
Simple Imposition processes a PDF document creating a new copy which can be: a booklet, a normal and sequential layout with 2 pages on each sheet, two duplicate copies side by side, a 2 × 1 / 2n layout.
First select the file to be transformed by pressing the Select PDF button, then choose the layout and finally press the Action button which creates a new copy of the file to which you must give a new name.
1) The first option is to print booklets .
The pages are sorted so that when the sheets are printed and folded in half, you get a book or booklet with the correct page numbering.
2) 2-Up Printing is nothing more than economic printing with two pages per sheet .
The numerical order of the pages is sequential so the first is next to the second, the second sheet has 3 and 4 and so on.
3) Create a new PDF with two duplicate pages per sheet .
In other words, on every sheet, there is a double copy of every single page.
4) 2 x 1 / 2n : The sequence of the number of pages is vertical, that is, in the first sheet, imagining a document of 50 pages, the pages 1 and 26 come out, in the second the 2 and 27 and so on until the the last one having 25 and 50 next to each other.
This would be the " book format ", to be printed on both sides (in option 1 instead it is printed only on one side of the sheet).
Hoping to be clear, I recommend downloading Simple Imposition (no installation required) and trying the 4 options to actually see what happens.
This program becomes very useful if you need to print travel guides, term papers, pocket documents, books, brochures etc.
I remember, as a related topic, the article on programs to read pdf and ebook on the computer as if it were an Ebook Reader.

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