Find out the date of death, know how old and the cause of death

Don't be frightened, it's just a test, there is no scientific proof, even if, from now on, your life could change ...
Finding out how many years of life we ​​have could be traumatic to know how we die, it could lead us to live in a glass bell, or to have as many experiences as possible quickly, before it's too late ...
Come on, you are believing "> DeathDate, they put on a series of tests to know the date of death. The site is very nice because it is really funeral in graphics and with three forecasting modes, neutral, optimistic and pessimistic.
The DeathClock is certainly the most interesting and fun test, with some questions on how you live, on the vices, on the rhythms that you sustain and on the serenity of relationships, the exact date will be revealed, with day, month and year in who will die and, moreover, the cause of death (not in Italian).
Another deathclock is on another site with a different test and a different prediction of death.
Deathtimer is another site to find out how much is missing from our death. The site has a scientific method for calculating the mortality rate and the results are not only mere forecasts, but based on your health and death statistics from sources the United Nations, the CIA and other official sources. On the basis of all these factors, the site determines how long you will live and will give you the reason why you will die. At the end there is also a beautiful plaque with our name to be saved.
Death meter is a more psychological site, with a very complete test (in English but it can be translated with Chrome) that outlines a psychological picture and a cause of death.
Finally, we must mention the CountDown app, for Android and iPhone, from the film of the same name released in 2019, which in a very simple way shows the date of death of those who use it.
Returning only for a moment serious, the Corriere della Sera online reported a news on March 6, 2009 entitled:
Shocked 12-year-old: he discovered the date of his death on the internet: for a couple of weeks he has been sleeping badly, eating little, being afraid and counting the hours to go; the grandmother calls the Postal Police alarmed.
so I wondered, but what extent will this test ever be? So I started looking for it and then I found the DeathClock, which has existed for at least a couple of years and where you can clearly read the introduction that explains the scientific sources of the seriousness of the test :
"No trick and no deception: the Deathclock was produced thanks to the collaboration of numerous and accredited biologists, physicists, statisticians and existentialist psychologists and philosophers. A nonsense? Quite the opposite. Among the various prestigious awards obtained, we mention the certificate issued by the 'IIMI (International Institute for Mental Insanity), the 2004 "Most useless utility of the year" award, the Ignobel for Biology 2003, as well as the certificate of reliability issued by ENB (Ente Nazionale Becchini) and the honoris diploma cause obtained by UNI (Unione Necrofili Italiani). A method therefore internationally recognized as reliable, reliable and extraordinarily precise: the predictions experimented with Deathclock have so far not failed even once. "
I would have to do a bit of reflection but ... forget it.
As a good blogger then, I leave you the floor and above all I want to ask you:
When do you die?
I am 80 years old and I am killed by an old woman with a bar!
READ ALSO: online test on life expectancy .
To make a plaque with your name and personalize it as you want, you can use the Tombstone Maker online service which starts from a grave photo and allows you to write on it.
In another article, always on the subject of death, you can discover the social networks of the deceased, including Facebook to remember them online and create memory pages.

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