Choose who can add us to Whatsapp groups

The group conversations of WhatsApp have become the scourge of our times, born with good intentions, now become full of messages and junk images. Another thing is if it is a group of friends with whom to have a laugh and organize dinners or meetings, another account is the groups of unknown or almost unknown people in which you are invited to participate.
The problem with Whatsapp groups, a bit like Facebook groups, is that, to date, there is no invitation, but one is immediately included without having to ask for consent.
The solution to the problem has finally arrived, with the arrival of a new setting that allows you to choose who can add us to group chats, to prevent being added to groups by strangers without accepting the invitation .
READ ALSO: How to Leave a Whatsapp group or disable all groups
The new option to remove the possibility of being invited to Whatsapp groups is found in Settings> Accounts> Privacy . You will then find a new entry for Groups where you can choose who should ask for the invitation before adding us to a group:
- Everyone : to stay as it was before, with the possibility for everyone to add you to a group without an invitation.
- My contacts (only contacts whose number has been added to the phone's address book can make us join a group without invitation)
- My contacts except, in order not to be added by strangers and to indicate who, among the contacts we know and whose number we have, cannot add us to the group anyway.
A " None " option is missing that prevents anyone from adding us to a group without an invitation, but you can use the contacts option except and select the entire address book by pressing the button at the top right to prevent everyone from joining us in a group
The second two options, do not completely prevent strangers whose number has not been saved in the address book or contacts placed among the exceptions to add us to Whatsapp groups, but they can still ask us to participate in a group by sending us a private message with the invitation that you you can then accept or deny, within 72 hours.
This setting allows you to avoid group conversations that do not interest us, not to be forced to participate in political propaganda discussions and to stop receiving hundreds of messages and images from people with whom we have no relationship.
The privacy setting of the groups finally reached everyone in November 2019.
READ ALSO: Prevent sending messages in Whatsapp groups

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