Review the images of the websites visited

Some contents of websites opened while surfing the internet are saved in a cache on the computer disk.
In this way, the next time you visit the same website, the PC can speed up its loading without having to re-download the various images and the code.
The cache, by its nature, is temporary therefore the saved images will be taken deleted after a certain period of time.
If you want to review all the images seen on the internet in the last period, out of curiosity or to review that you do not remember where it was seen, you can use a small program by Nirsoft called ImageCacheViewer, easy to use and which also provides a lot of information. Additional.
READ FIRST: Clear the cache and delete cookies on Firefox, Chrome, IE
There are many ways to see the cache of web browsers, to find the images of the sites visited, but ImageCacheViewer allows you to review, in one shot, all the files of the sites opened in the past with Internet Explorer, Firefox and Chrome .
The utility is portable, requires no installation, works in all versions of Windows, both 32 and 64-bit and supports Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome .
All you need to do is download and extract the program to use it. When you start the .exe file, you will immediately see the list of cached files. The program scans the default folders of the browsers so if the cache has been moved you will have to change an option.
From the top menu of Options> Advanced options you can configure cache folders or prevent the scanning of a particular browser.
In the options it is also possible to modify the period of time which you want to see the images of the sites visited. The last option allows you to search only the images of one or more specific websites. Before using ImageCacheViewer make sure you have closed all browsers otherwise it will not work.
(SEE ALSO: How to move the cache of Chrome and Firefox to RAM and navigate faster )
At the end you can browse all the images open on the internet with the mouse or keyboard, and when you select an image, it is previewed in the program window.
For each image, you can see the URL of the site from which it comes, the name and type of image, when it was viewed, the file size, the name and the browser.
Based on these characteristics, the list can be sorted in different ways, for example from the largest to the smallest image or in chronological order.
What you cannot do is move or copy the images from the cache to another location on the hard disk.
However, you can open the image site on the browser and then save it if you are interested in keeping it.
READ ALSO: See images and videos saved in the cache of IE, Chrome and Firefox

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