Search for a person and their photos on Facebook

On Facebook you cannot easily search for what your friend Alessandro said about a topic or person in the past, perhaps to see if he changed his mind or if he had written something that we liked or that had particularly impressed us. The only thing you can search for on Facebook is hashtags, i.e. the words preceded by the pound symbol, which few people use on Facebook.
In reality, however, Facebook has many hidden search pages that can be used to find not only all posts, but also photos grouped in various ways, for example those in which specific friends are tagged or those to which a friend he liked it.
If you want to search for public or personal posts or if you want to search on Facebook to find what your friends have written in a way similar to how you would do on Google, you must not use an external service, but use Facebook in English.
As already seen, Facebook's search engine only works using the English language.
Then put the English language in Facebook, scrolling down the Facebook site home and using the col + button that appears on the sidebar on the right of the screen, under the advertisement and above the copyright writing (or go to Settings> Account) .
Once the English language is set, the real Facebook search engine is active, and you can use the search bar at the top to search for a person or photos in a completely different way than you can using the Italian language.
At this point, you can use the bar at the top to search your friends' post and photo update history .
Then write the formula " Posts by friend-name " to find the chronology of all his published posts. If you want to filter this friend's posts only about a topic, write posts by friend-name about topic-name
If you want to search for what friends say about a topic, you can simply search for a word and then filter, from the left column, by clicking on only friends or Your friends . From the filters on the left you can also ask to see only the posts written by people in a particular place and only those written in a particular moment. By clicking on Choose a date, you can indicate what was written on a topic searched in a particular month of the last year or a previous year.
As it happens on Twitter, you can then search on Facebook to find only the posts that concern a certain thing, without the need to use hashtags, using the more precise formula: Posts about "topic" using quotation marks.
In the same way you can also search for public posts of all, that is, written without public restriction and visible to us even if they are not friends.
As for photos, there are special image searches that can be done using certain English formulas.
Photos liked by Name surname allows you to search for all the pictures that this person liked.
Posts commented on by Name surname to find images to which this person has commented.
Photos of Name Surname to find images published by a friend.
Photos tagged with Name Surname to search Facebook for the photos in which that person is tagged.
Photos uploaded by Name Surname's friends to see the photos uploaded by this person's friends.
Note that these searches also work with people who are not our friends, if the photos and posts they publish are " public " and visible to everyone.
In other articles we have seen, about research on Facebook:
- How to search for old posts published on Facebook
- Clear the history of searches made on Facebook

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