New Like on Facebook with Reactions and Smileys Love, Wow, Ahah, Sigh and Grrr

After several announcements and tests, Facebook reactions or " reactions " have finally arrived today, with a new Like button, available for everyone, also in Italy.
This change, which we could define as "epochal" in the web world, brings new expressions to Facebook's classic Like to better define one's feeling about a news or a post from friends.
You can then immediately open Facebook on the smartphone app or on the PC on the home page or on your profile, move the mouse from the PC or hold down with the finger from the app on a "like" to notice 6 symbols, one with the classic thumb tall, one with a heart and the others who are unequivocal emoji faces in their expressions.
The new Facebook reactions, which are the result of a long emotional and psychological study and analysis, are:
- The thumbs up is the classic like.
- The Heart means Love and it is a stronger way of saying Like, like saying that you really love that photo or that post published.
- The first face that laughs loudly is Ahah, to express pure fun about the published post, the link or the photo.
- The second face, called Wow, says great surprise about the news read.
- The third Emoji facet of the new Facebook Like is the reaction of sadness, the Sigh, to express displeasure.
- The fourth and final face, on the other hand, is to express anger, with the Grrr, regarding news of what makes us nervous (and here we hope that we don't believe every hoax that turns).
In the test phase there was also another smiley face that said "Hurray", called Yay, to express fun but not with a big laugh like Ahah.
This Emoji, however, was rejected for the little use and, therefore, removed.
Like with reactions does not work on comments, but only on posts of pages and people.
READ ALSO: "Dislike" button on Facebook, in the Chat and in the Messenger app

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