Hide Facebook profile and make yourself invisible

This is one of the big questions related to Facebook: you can make sure that while remaining registered on Facebook nobody, or at least nobody who is not a friend, can open and see our profile "> disable Facebook or block it in another article and, briefly, you can deactivate the profile by clicking the relevant link in the account settings, in the Protection section.
Deactivating the account does not mean deleting the profile, but only suspending it and making it no longer present or searchable.
Obviously, by deactivating the profile, you will not even be able to use Facebook, write or read what others say.
The other way you can go to hide your Facebook profile is to change your privacy settings .
Then go to your account settings and, this time, go to Privacy .
From here, all options must be changed so that nothing is public .
Mainly the options must be changed:
  • Who can see your future posts?
  • Date of birth
  • Contact information > edit for all registered addresses
  • limit the audience of posts shared with friends of friends or audiences
  • Then put None on the option Who can send you friend requests? and all those included in the Who can search you section.
Staying in the settings, you must also modify the Diary section and adding tags, activating the tag control and modifying the options relating to who can write on my diary and who can read my diary.
However, this is not enough and you have to change other options on the profile page as well.
In particular, it is necessary to check the section //www.facebook.com/me/about and modify each part making sure that nothing is public but visible only to friends.
In each of these series of options you can also set it to be visible only to us, making all information invisible to all friends as well as strangers.
To be sure that you have hidden everything possible (I remember only profile photos and names cannot be hidden) check the guide to hide "Like" and personal information on the Facebook diary .
Finally, you must also deactivate Facebook applications, requests and invitations forever using the option that deactivates the platform in the settings -> Applications .
The cover image cannot be hidden but can be removed.
Even if you can't hide it, you can change the name on Facebook, perhaps by setting something unrecognizable.
If, at this point, you put a profile photo that is not our face, the goal of becoming invisible on Facebook without deleting the account and without deactivating it, is fully achieved.
READ ALSO: Hide in Chat on Facebook and appear invisible offline

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