Measure distances on the Google Maps map

You can now measure distances from one point to another in the world in an easy way on the Google Maps site .
Measuring distances does not mean knowing how many kilometers of road there are from one place to another, but how many kilometers, as the crow flies, go from one point to another .
To measure a distance, open the new Google Maps, click with the right mouse button on the point from which you want to start the measurement, click on the " Measure distance " option and then click again on the map, at the end of the measurement.
The straight line will then be drawn from one point to another.
By continuing to click, you can continue to measure distances for each point, drawing on the map as if you were playing on those children's games where the dots connect.
The new distance measuring tool is better than the old one that was in the labs functions and is very easy to use.
Google Maps shows the distances on the map in kilometers for each point plotted.
On the other hand, the total measurement appears in the case of dragging more than two points.
The points of the meter can be dragged wherever you want to take a precise point by the meter or centimeter.
By clicking on a point, it is removed; double clicking exits the measurement mode.
Distances can also be measured on the Google Maps map using the application on Android and iPhone .
In fact, just touch a point on the map to put a placeholder and then scroll down the detail section to find the Measure distance button.
The placeholder icon becomes a crosshair that can be dragged on the map to measure different distances and join different points on the map.
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