Google Drive Offline to open documents without internet

Google Drive is Google's online platform that allows everyone, for free, to write and edit Office documents without installing any program on the computer.
With Google Docs therefore you can use, via browser and with a computer connected to the internet, programs very similar to the well-known Word, Excel and Powerpoint.
The files uploaded and created with Google Drive are stored online, in the web space made available by Google.
Since Google is focusing heavily on Chromebooks, ultra-fast computers with Chrome OS operating system based only on web applications, it has greatly improved the Documents platform and added the ability to view files even without an internet connection .
This functionality is very important to bring the Docs platform closer to users who, rightly, consider limiting the fact that they can manage and view documents only from a PC or from a smartphone connected to the internet.
Google Drive offline allows you to view documents saved in the Google cloud even without the internet, from PC and smartphone.
From PC you can activate on Google Chrome updated, going to the site // .
From here, press on Other in the left menu and select Offline and activate the offline modification by enabling offline access with the blue button.
You can also use the offline mode by installing only the Google Drive application of the Chrome Web Store with a operation very similar to Gmail offline and also to Google Calendar offline.
For security reasons, the activation of the offline functionality is activated only for the computer used, therefore, if you want to use another PC, it must be activated again.
Google Docs offline becomes visible by connecting, even from a pc without internet connection, to the page // which shows all the documents created with the Google Docs apps and synchronized by the application.
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From an Android smartphone or iPhone, using the Google Drive application, you can prepare the documents you want to be able to open even offline .
To do this, just open a document, then press the options button at the top right to find the option that makes it available offline .
Without a doubt, to use Google Docs without internet connection and to be able to read the documents saved online even on the computer, for now, the solutions with external programs that I had talked about in the past are better.
- Open files with Google Docs on PC as an Office program with document synchronization
- free programs to upload files to Google Docs from desktop

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