Fonts and fonts of famous brands to download for free

When using a program like Word, you can choose one of the standard fonts from the font list in the top menu.
However, we have seen that it is possible to install many other fonts or types of fonts on your computer for free, so that you can write them in ways other than the standard.
Some font creators have taken the most famous brands of films or companies by extracting the font with which they are written.
Some of the best writing styles of famous brands are therefore downloadable from the internet for free, to use them on Word or other text editors on a Windows, Mac or Linux PC.
In this gallery, extracted from the Mashable site, the best 20
You can try each of these fonts in preview and, if you like, download from the Download link on your computer.
If you need assistance, read the guide to install Fonts on Windows.
If you write a document with a non-standard font, if you use an Office program, remember to access the options (from the button at the top right) and select "Embed characters in files" so that, if it is sent to another person via Email, it will be readable with the chosen style.
1) Waltograph the most famous signature

2) Loky Cola the most famous brand in the world

3) Pepsi

4) Men In Blue (IBM)

5) Swatch it

6) Yahoo, an unmistakable writing

7) Tommy Hilfiger for those who want to write in style

8) Back to the future

9) Corleone, to write like the Godfather

10) Blade Runner

11) Harry P

12) Jurassic Park

13) Rebuffed (Buffy)

14) Star Wars

15) Terminator

16) Twilight

17) Batman

18) Iron Maiden

19) Bon jovi

20) Bootle

In other articles, I remember:
- Font to write "Merry Christmas"
- Font for greeting cards for Halloween
- Google Web Fonts.

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