Let trusted people know where we are (Android App)

From Google, a new application for Android smartphones has arrived that allows people we believe are trusted and close to us to know what our last position is, so that we can track us in case we should disappear or not be found.
It is an assistance-type app to be used in the event of an emergency, ideal for keeping elderly or troubled people under control, or even for knowing where the children are when it is not clear where they went.
It can also be useful for those who go for excursions, for those who go out very often at night and also for those who travel often, to find out if they are well even if they do not answer the phone.
The trusted contacts can be family members, parents or spouse or even some close friends who are given permission to know where we are based on the location service of our phone.
The Google Trusted Contacts app works like this: the person who has been placed on the list of trusted contacts can ask us to check where we are at any time.
A notification about the control request will appear on our smartphone and we can respond immediately to say that we are fine and refuse to share the position.
However, if you do not reply within 5 minutes, then our current position will be shared with the other person and if our mobile phone is not connected to the internet, the last position detected will be shared before the mobile phone has been taken offline.
After installing the Trusted Contacts app, you can also choose to share the location before each request, with a single contact or with all those who have been added to the list of trusted people.
Permission to view our position remains active for a limited period of 24 hours and, in any case, it can be deactivated at any time before this period of time.
Like any Google app, this one of the Trusted Contacts is also very easy to configure and just follow the guided configuration screens that appear on the first start to select the trusted contacts from the address book.
An email will be sent to them informing them of the possibility of using this application to ask where we are.
Note that in order for this app to work, you need to activate location sharing on your phone in the meantime and then leave location history turned on.
The problem with this application is, of course, in its automation which goes to share our position if the request is not answered after 5 minutes, which is too limited a time.
Okay, that person is our trusted contact, but it was this my mother or my wife I might not be so happy and so peaceful to let you know where I am at any time and on request.
Basically I do not know how many people might decide to use it permanently, perhaps it is good for occasional use, perhaps during travel or business trips, but not during everyday life.
READ ALSO: App to send the position from the mobile or be followed in real time

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