Facebook: Follow the movement of friends on Messenger in real time

If we have to reach a friend of ours somewhere for an appointment or if we want to let someone know our movements during a day or at any time you want to share the position with someone, you can use the real-time location of Facebook Messenger .
This is a new feature of the Facebook chat application on Android and iPhone, which follows in a very similar way the sharing of the position in real time on Google Maps.
The convenience of Facebook Messenger is that it is a chat, so sharing your movements in real time is more direct and easier.
To share the location in Messenger, on Android and on the iPhone, it was already possible, in the chat with a person or with a group, to press the button of the three dots at the bottom right and then touch the Location button to share the map in chat with where we are.
By doing this now and giving Messenger authorization to access the phone's location services for the first time only, it is possible to share not only the position, but also our movements in real time, for 60 minutes .
The other person will see the geographical map in the Messenger chat and will be able to follow our movements in real time, depending on where we go.
When sharing the location of Messenger, you can also decide not to share every move in real time, but only a specific point on the map or your current position.
To do this, always touch the button to share the position and then, instead of touching the sharing button for 60 minutes, touch the button with the mushroom symbol.
This accesses the Messenger location sharing screen to send the current fixed position or a particular location, such as that of a shop or bar.
This function, very useful, you just need to remember to use it when you need it, especially in the case of appointments with friends to be followed or know where others are.
READ ALSO: GPS locator app to find and "stalk" with friends or family

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