Create custom search engines in Chrome and with Google

In almost all web browsers it is possible to search from the address bar, without having to go to Google.
In Chrome, as well as in Firefox, Safari and Microsoft Edge, you just need to write a word on the address bar at the top (which Google calls Omnibox on Chrome) to be able to search.
In the main browsers it is also possible to search, from the address bar, only on specific sites that can be favorite sites.
In this Chrome it is the most customizable browser, enough to allow you to add many personalized search engines related to specific favorite sites, associating them with a keyword.
For example, therefore, if I write on the address bar " slow nav windows " I can start a search on this site,, to find solutions to the slow Windows problem.
In addition, for those who really want to overdo it, Google also gives the possibility to create, for free, a personalized search engine published online that we could freely use to search only on favorite sites.
In this way you would get very targeted searches without getting lost in the many Google results.
READ ALSO: Set Google as a search engine in Chrome, Firefox and IE
First of all, let's see how to create a customized search engine for each favorite site that can be used from the Chrome address bar, which also works where there is no search bar.
For example, if you want to search for Amazon from Chrome's Omnibar, you need to add the search engine of the site.
Then open Amazon, search for something and look at the address at the top which should be something like
// "> Google personalized search and click the blue button on the right.
The wizard involves a few steps: enter the name, description, language, graphic style and the addresses of the sites to be included, by writing, for example,
in the end you can view the public URL, which is what we need and which we must memorize in creating a new custom search engine on Chrome, always replacing the test word searched for with% s.

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