Count the kbytes downloaded for consumer internet connections on PC

In another article we saw the best rates and possibilities that are available in Italy with USB sticks, those of the Tre, Wind, vodafone and Tim.
Some of these connections, first of all the one that I considered most convenient, the Naviga3 of the Tre, is consumption-based, that is, it has limited traffic, depending on the options, from 50 MB to 100 MB per day maximum, after which, you pay dearly .
The problem then is to find a program that counts the consumption of internet connection traffic with a twofold objective:
1) So as not to exceed the traffic threshold included in the offer package and not to pay expensive tariffs for incoming or outgoing kbytes, in addition.
2) So that you do not have to be anxious to go over the limit, looking every 10 minutes for missing the threshold.
READ ALSO: Check internet traffic thresholds on Android and residual credit
One of the best programs is NetMeter, free, very light in terms of resources, it remains in the background and it counts, with some accuracy, the consumption of network bandwidth.
In theory, this count can be done without downloading anything, from Windows itself, by clicking twice with the left mouse button, its two small computers that appear at the bottom right, near the clock.
The window that opens indicates the incoming and outgoing packets but it is not at all clear nor too precise.
Connections with limited traffic have a total threshold not to be exceeded if you do not want to pay the internet at a high rate.
This total is made up of the sum of the data traffic in Download (incoming) and in Upload (outgoing) .
Netmeter allows you to have a very clear graphic and counter on the total traffic and data exchanged on the network and has the function of alerting the user with a pop-up on reaching a previously decided threshold and must be configured as follows.
After downloading and installing Netmeter, it is launched and a small graph appears, at the bottom right, indicating the status of the network traffic.
By right-clicking on the Netmeter icon next to the clock, you choose the "Options" item.
In the first "General" tab, it is advisable to remove the flag under "Load on Windows startup" so that it does not start with Windows and does not load necessarily, even if it is not needed.
Then put the flag on the item "Use old display unit description (KB instead of Kib) in order to see the traffic with the unit of measurement considered by the network providers and more common, at least in Italy.
On the "Graph" tab put the flag under "Show UL / DL Totals" and remove the display of the "current UL / DL" in order to have a clear view of the total traffic consumed.
On the "Totals + Reports" tab put the unit of measure, the "Total Display Unit" item, on the "kilobytes".
Finally on the "Notifications" tab we can insert the popup that must appear if a connection data traffic threshold is exceeded in order to surf the internet.
For example, if the threshold is 100 MB per day, it can be set with the various drop-down menus: Alert when Upload + Download, reach 95 Megabyte, during current, Day .
This means that a warning window appears when, for a day of 24 hours, the traffic, both in Download and in Upload, exceeds 95 MB.
Depending on the case, therefore, you can put a number of Megabytes more or less large depending on the tariff plan subscribed and set a daily, monthly or weekly alarm.
After clicking "Apply", you can browse the web and do everything, perhaps keeping an eye on the graph at the bottom right and being sure that, almost upon reaching the allowed threshold, a warning will appear on the screen.
Other programs to control internet traffic and network bandwidth consumption are described on another page.

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