Compare two faces to see if they look alike on Twins Or Not

After the viral success of the site that says how old you show in photos, Microsoft launched another similar site using the same photographic facial recognition technology.
This time it's about seeing the degree of similarity between two people to find out if they are almost twins or completely different.
The site is called " Twins or not"> In one we can be ourselves in a selfie, the other instead that of a friend or the face of a famous person.
To upload the two photos must be selected together then put in the same folder and then click while holding down the CTRL key.
In the end the site will tell us the percentage of similarity between the two faces, if that person is practically a double or a twin or if he is from another planet.
In the example I published above I tried my similarity with Tom Hanks by finding a fair 31% similarity (I had also tried Brad Pitt with a nice 0%).
In another article, we had previously reported the FacePlusPlus site to see which VIP celebrity we most resemble

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