How to know who a SIM is registered to

We found a SIM in our drawer but we don't know who it is registered to "> Which operator is a mobile number

Find the owner of a SIM card

We assume that we must always act on SIMs that we suspect to be owned by us (but it has been so long since we no longer remember anything) or one of our relatives, avoiding acting on SIMs found on the street or on SIMs of which we do not know 'origin. The risk of reactivating it and activating the traceability of the number is too high: if we find a SIM on the street, we might as well give it to the police or throw it directly (it is probably already blocked and replaced).

Operator sites

Without this premise, we can control the SIM holder directly from the operator's management page with which it is associated. So let's check the operator symbol on the SIM surface and open one of the sites below:
  1. TIM
  2. Vodafone
  3. Wind
  4. 3 Italy
  5. Fastweb

Once we have chosen the right site, we log in using the phone number on the SIM as username and password (if not we remember it, we can start a recovery procedure via the email used during registration). Inside the personal page we open the information on the SIM in our possession or on the account registered on the portal, so as to find out who a SIM is registered to.

In the information sheet we will be able to obtain the personal data and the identity card associated with the SIM in use.
Remember that the access data or personal data may be different from the identity card provided : in the case of SIM cards provided to minors, one of the parents' documents must be provided in order to register the SIM card.


If the SIM is not accessible through the operators' personal pages, we can try to insert the phone number present on it on the TrueCaller site.

On this site we can start a search with the phone number on the SIM, so that we can trace the owner or the last user of the same. The service is quite reliable, but we will still have to be lucky that the previous user has at least once used the services associated with it or has installed the TrueCaller app at least once.

Who is calling "> Who is calling?

Also in this case we will simply have to enter the phone number associated with the SIM in the text field and start the search; if in the past the SIM has been used for the app services of the site or reported as a jammer number, it will appear as a search result.


Another site where you can search for the phone numbers associated with the SIM is Dive3000, known as the real "phone book for mobile numbers".

We will only have to access the service through a free account (which we can also create on the spot) and check if the SIM number in our possession is present in some list.

Social networks and search engines

If the previous methods have not allowed us to know who a SIM is registered to, we can try the last beach, by entering the phone number associated with it within Google or in the search bar of a social network (such as for example Facebook).

If the owner or the last user of the SIM has associated it with an activity or a service indexed by Google, on any site with public information or on Facebook Messenger (by setting privacy on Public ), we can easily trace it, obtaining also name and surname (we can also contact him to find out if he really is the owner of the SIM or just a user of it).
If we can't find anything, we can also extend the search to other search engines such as Bing, Yahoo or DuckDuckGo, as indicated in our guide on the best search engines to find information and answers on the internet .


Knowing who a SIM is registered to without affecting the privacy of an unknown person is quite difficult (and the opposite would be quite strange); that's why we only offered you the safe methods that we can try to use on our SIM (of which we didn't know existed) or on the SIM of a relative or friend. If the number is unknown or we are unable to access the operators' pages, we will only be able to start a general search on the sites for indexing mobile numbers, on search engines or on social networks, crossing our fingers and hoping to be lucky enough.
If we want to recognize the unknown numbers that call on our smartphone continuously, we advise you to read our guides on How to recognize unknown numbers and to know who is calling us on the phone and Who is the mobile phone number that called? .
If we want to act with a filtering system capable of blocking the numbers of call centers or serial annoyers, we invite you to read the suggestions proposed in our article on how to block unwanted commercial calls on landlines and mobile phones .

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