Popular Telegram channels to follow

While everyone uses Whatsapp to message themselves with friends, the main alternative, that is Telegram, remains important and to be had because even if less used to send messages, it offers unique and very useful additional features.
We have already seen Telegram's tricks, secrets and hidden options, among which certainly stand out the possibility of storing files in a free and unlimited cloud space, the possibility of receiving information from automatic bots and then thematic channels, to follow the news of the day and receive updates from favorite sites and blogs.
Channels are like chats in which you cannot intervene, where you can receive news from the channel manager.
While in another article we talked about the best Telegram bots, in this we discover the most popular Italian channels that are worth following through Telegram, because they are more interesting, informative as and better than some applications.
The listed channels can be added by clicking on the link or by searching for them directly on Telegram.
READ FIRST: Download Telegram for PC, Android and iPhone
  1. Ansagram is the unofficial channel for receiving the news of the day published by ANSA in real time.
  2. Repubblica, to receive and read Repubblica news from Telegram
  3. La Stampa, for those who prefer the Turin newspaper.
  4. Weather Forecast, to read detailed weather forecasts every day.
  5. Streaming Football, the channel to watch football matches online
  6. Apple, the iSpazio channel on Apple news
  7. Navigaweb, the channel of this blog, the best in technology and information technology (if I don't say so, who "> Linux Italy, for those who want to follow the latest news from the Linux world.
  8. teleflix, dedicated to Netflix
  9. Cine Teca Curiosity about cinema.
  10. Google Trends, to know the most searched topics of the day in Italy
  11. Soul's Music, to listen to new music
  12. Scontolandia, to find discount offers and purchase coupons every day.
  13. Amazon Offers, to follow the best offers of the day on Amazon
  14. Amazon Tech, with offers on technology products on Amazon
  15. ProntoRicetta, to receive one or more recipes to cook every day.

If you want to report others you follow, leave a comment with the link.
I remember that the Telegram channels can be followed in a silent way, which is the best way unless you are really interested.
therefore, nothing prevents you from adding all these channels and then deactivating notifications, consulting them only when you want, without being disturbed during the day.

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