Autorefresh of a site on Chrome and Firefox

Very often it happens to keep under control a web page that can be that of sports results, real-time news or company control web pages with constantly updated lists.
I remember, regarding the latter case, when I worked in a company that had a maxi screen in which any alarms or alerts of malfunctions appeared on the servers and on the network.
To show all the important web pages with the graphical data and statistics they needed, the browser was opened 4 times and the windows were arranged side by side.
Probably, if the administrators of those IT services read this article today they would find a more functional method in the rotation of web pages on a regular basis.
Basically, when you want to keep multiple websites open simultaneously, check them regularly and have them update automatically (autorefresh), you can use specific extensions with the Chrome and Firefox browsers .
The user therefore does not need to interact with the page manually to retrieve the updated information if it automatically reloads at preset frequencies.
An extension called Revolver can be installed on Google Chrome which helps users to see multiple websites passively.
The extension can automatically scroll through all open tabs at regular intervals so that each tab is shown in the web browser for a specific period of time.
This type of use of the browser to surf the internet was created for the use of Google Chrome in fullscreen on the screen or on a TV, where dynamic rotation of web content is required in real time .
Optionally, if the website to be monitored does not update by itself at each change, the autorefresh can be set, which becomes very useful for those sites whose session expires after a certain period of time.
After installing the extension, the rotation and automatic update cycle for all open tabs is spaced every ten seconds and the content of the active page is reloaded every time.
This behavior can be changed in the extension's options.
The interval can be changed from 10 seconds to another period of time and the page autoreload can be deactivated.
The function is started and stopped by pressing the Revolver icon in the Google Chrome address bar.
Another Chrome extension for self- refreshing websites is Easy Auto Refresh .
The latter is really easy to use, just give a period of time in seconds or minutes to reload the web page.
It can also be said to stop the autorefresh automatically when a certain text appears on the page.
On Firefox you can install a similar extension that does the selffresh of a web page .
Auto Refresh Tab installs a new menu from which you can enable automatic reloading of the web page.
By clicking on "Custom", a small window opens in which you can enter the desired self-recharge time in minutes and seconds and you can set this refresh for all open tabs or for one.
Another extension for Firefox is Auto Reload which allows you to decide how often an open web page should reload and update itself with the autorefresh.
In another article: Rotate sites and tabs automatically on Chrome and Firefox

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