Activate Now Anywhere on Android to search from any app

One of the best new features of Android 6 had only been announced and, to date, only available in English.
Now, however, it can be used on every smartphone with Android 6 MarshMellow and for its usefulness it is really worth activating it and learning how to use it.
The new feature is called Now Everywhere (in English Now On Tap ) which, basically, is an expansion of the Google search engine to search the internet from any open app, without having to close it.
To activate Now Everywhere you need to open the Google app, tap the button at the top left to display the menu and go to Settings .
From the Tabs Now menu, the "show cards" option must be active and then switch on " Now Everywhere ".
At this point, open an app like Facebook, Twitter or Chrome to display something and hold down the Home button of the phone (the central button) to open a box that appears from below with links to search for news regarding the names of places, people, movies or other things displayed on the screen.
Quick buttons will then appear to search Google for that highlighted person or thing, to search for it on Wikipedia, to search for images and videos.
Practically, for any app you are using, if names of things searchable on the internet appear, you can hold down the Home button on the phone and quickly view information about it, news and useful links.
This is a really convenient information to be able to check and deepen the news read on Facebook, Twitter or any other social or application.
If you don't like it, you can always turn it off by turning the Now Everywhere switch off as explained above.
READ ALSO: Top 10 Google Now features and most useful tabs

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