Quickly align and move Windows windows with automatic arrangement

Updated on 2.8.14
Before Windows 7 and Windows 8 came out, there was no option to align the open windows on the computer desktop .
It has always been possible to maximize them on a full screen, minimize them, resize them but to align them you need to use an integrative program on Windows XP and Vista.
With Windows 7 instead you can drag the windows (or with the Win-arrow keys) to the sides of the screen to align two of them on the right and one on the left.
To improve this function even more, let's see how to align Windows windows on a grid, quickly, thanks to some programs.
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1) Gridy is a small portable program for Windows that adds further alignment options to the Windows desktop.
After starting it, an icon appears in the system tray.
Clicking on the icon gives access to the list of available options concerning the way to align the windows on the Windows desktop.
The windows can be moved, step by step, by pressing the Windows key plus an arrow key on the keyboard.
Among the additional features there is also that of using the Shift key in key combinations to resize windows.
Other key combinations are:
Windows-F10 puts the active window in semi transparency;
Windows-F12 makes the active window always on top.
Gridy uses few resources during execution but does not align the windows automatically, simply, it is used to move them with keyboard commands .
2) The free tool Grid Move instead serves precisely to align the windows in a grid on the desktop .
The small tool for Windows XP, Vista and Win seven, provides some predefined window layout templates.
If you are not satisfied with the predefined templates, you can choose to create new and customized grid templates.
The program behaves as if you had a table with rows and columns, with the possibility of placing the various windows in the cells.
3) WinDock is a small tool that simplifies the process of aligning, resizing and moving windows.
Depending on where a window moves, it is resized and moved to a corner.
By doing the same thing with multiple windows, you will be able to arrange them in an orderly way to keep them all visible on the screen.
4) Win Layout is another portable software for Windows that can manipulate open windows on the desktop and align them as you wish.
This tool provides several keyboard combinations to move active windows and arrange them on the screen .
Most keyboard shortcuts make use of a combination of the Windows, Alt, CTRL keys plus the numeric keypad.
For example, pressing the Windows key plus the keys on the numeric keypad 1-9 moves the active window to a corner of the desktop.
Adding the ALT key to that combination moves the active window and resizes it at the same time, in half or a quarter depending on where the window is placed (at an angle or on one side).
Practically it becomes very easy to put 4 windows aligned and side by side on the screen.
Win layout uses about 4 megabytes of computer memory during execution, not really light therefore but acceptable for users who intend to use this program often.
5) Finally, the two simplest programs to align windows on the desktop with a 9-position grid .
TicTac and Ticclick are two portable programs that can be used alternately depending on whether you prefer to move the windows with the mouse or the keyboard.
TicTac has been optimized for keyboard use and windows line up at the corners of the screen using the Windows key, plus keys 1-9 on the numeric keypad.
The positions on the numeric keypad are obviously linked to the position on the desktop, by pressing Windows-1, the active window is positioned in the lower left corner, Windows-5 places it in the center, Windows-9 places it in the upper right corner.
TicClick instead replaces the numeric keypad with the computer mouse .
Holding down the Windows key and clicking the left button on the title of a window opens a small menu that reminds you of the keys of the numeric keypad.
A simple click on one of the numbers is enough to put the window where you prefer.
The windows arrange and align themselves but do not resize automatically.
6) Finally, in another article, a different tool, Plumb, allows you to move and resize windows automatically
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