13 Apps to clean Android from unnecessary files that take up space

The problem with all smartphones is certainly the internal memory, always too limited to contain all our favorite apps, the photos taken and the games that are getting bigger.
On the cheaper Android smartphones, then, this problem becomes more worrying, especially with the Lite models of Huawei phones or the "mini" of the Samsung Galaxy just to give an example, where the internal memory is always particularly limiting.
On these phones it is therefore necessary to pay attention to what you download and take care of the photos and videos, both those made via video camera and those received in chat like Whatsapp.
While in another article we saw how to free up space on Android, in internet memory and on SD card, here we are going to discover some applications to clean Android from unnecessary, obsolete files, which remained there because they were created by other removed apps, which take up space to no avail .
1) SD Maid is the first cleaning application to be used on every Android smartphone and one of the best of this type.
This application can be used in the free version to scan all the internal memory and also the SD card to find useless files such as: Remnants of applications, system files that can be eliminated without problems, clean the data created by apps that are not duplicate files are needed (not based on the name but on the size and "checksum").
All these scans can be started from the main menu which can be found by touching the button with three lines at the top left.
In addition there is also a tool that acts as a space analyzer to find out what memory takes up most, a file manager and an application manager.
SD Maid is really powerful, phenomenal especially if you buy the paid version, which also allows you to plan the cleaning of your phone automatically every X days.
While the other apps in this article may also be overlooked, SDMaid remains a must have for everyone.
2) Files Go is the Google app to free up space on Android, which finds and proposes to delete all unnecessary files on memory, perhaps the best in this category.
3) Clean Master is the app of this category most popular and used in the world, easy to use to clean the application cache, unnecessary files, history and much more junk that accumulates during use.
4) Ccleaner for Android is the official version of the Ccleaner program which on Windows can be considered indispensable.
The Android app is simple and similar to Norton Clean, it cleans your phone's memory of obsolete files and clears your application caches to save space.
In addition to the fact that it has no advertising, its best feature is to analyze the space occupied and find the most bulky and largest files that would be better deleted or moved elsewhere.
5) History Eraser is an app designed for privacy, which cleans Android of all data created while using the phone.
In fact, it allows you to delete all phone histories, including the call log, SMS, web browser history, searches made within the apps and also those in the Google Play store and on Youtube.
After the scan, you can choose what to delete and what data to keep instead.
NOTE: I want to remind you that clearing the app cache is not a thing to do often, because it slows down the phone's performance.
I refer to the guide on how to delete Cache and App data on Android and what it means.
6) All In One Toolbox, described in another post, is a terrific app that includes almost 30 tools to optimize Android.
It mainly focuses on cleaning up junk files, increasing performance by freeing up RAM and managing apps that get stuck in startup.
7) Power Clean is instead a very popular app, very reminiscent of Clean Master, capable of optimizing the Android system by taking care of both the internal memory and the RAM memory. While regarding the latter we have already explained how freeing up RAM on Android can be done without using this kind of applications, Power Clean works well as an app to free up space in internal memory and SD card, deleting everything that is not needed: temporary files, leftover files, caches and other things. It also has a function to find similar images, so that you can decide to delete duplicates.
8) Droid Optimizer to clean and accelerate Android cannot be left out because it is one of the most well-known and popular applications of the store, even if the persistent advertising and the "booster" functions are only boring and not useful at all. Not only does it clean the space on the Android phone but it also has a garbage cleaner for cleaning applications and data cache, a one-touch accelerator, an application manager, an antivirus, a privacy tutor and an integrated speed test .
9) Avast Cleanup can be an alternative to Norton Clean and Ccleaner, simple to use, fast and automatic in finding obsolete and useless files and cleaning up Android from files that can be deleted without consequences.
10) Norton Clean, by Symantec (the famous company of the homonymous antivirus), is a simpler, free automatic app of SD Maid, which allows you to scan old cached files and app installation files .
As an application it is recommended only for those who did not feel confident using SD Maid.
11) AVG Cleaner allows you to delete applications that use a lot of data quickly and easily, also receiving a notification that reminds you to do the optimization of the phone when necessary.
12) 1Tap Cleaner as indicated by its name, is an application that cleans and optimizes your Android device at the cost of a single touch. Basically, this application is characterized by a Cache Cleaner, a History Cleaner and a Call / Text Record Cleaner. In addition, it has a default cleaning option to clean up an application's default actions. Its most wonderful feature is that it allows users to set a cleaning interval. The application can then continue to clean the Android itself after this period of time which regularly annoys the user for permissions.
13) GO Speed increases the speed of Android and accelerates the device up to 60% (according to the developers).
This app helps to free up memory space, from unnecessary obsolete files and unused apps.

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