See TG and LA7 broadcasts on the Youtube channel

The 7 shows the TG, its best entertainment and debate broadcasts on YouTube so anyone who wants to see a serious or at least objective news and who wants to follow the seventh channel's talk show and entertainment can do it directly from YouTube.
The fact that some La7 programs can be seen streaming on the most popular and famous video portal in the world, also available on mobile phones, smartphones and on some TV models, is not to be overlooked because, I believe, it is the first time and a channel historian of Italian TV is published on the main video site.
The La7 Youtube channel page is an index that reports to other thematic channels of the various programs.
It is not really easy to navigate among the various videos published because they are often grouped a bit in bulk and you must first navigate a bit to find what interests you.
Web viewers will already know that La7, as well as Rai (See Rai Replay) and Mediaset (on, has its official website at
From those pages it is possible to watch the videos of the transmissions sorted by program, day and time.
The videos, however, are much heavier, with an online player slow to load and with a low quality vision.
For this reason, therefore, the choice to publish the recorded videos of the programs aired on La7, on YouTube, is a modern and winning choice that will certainly bring an increase in popularity.
Youtube is very fast, flexible and full of tools to be used to extract videos, share them on the net, comment on them and so on.
So, ultimately, to see the 7 on Youtube you can go on the channel to the page where there are three main sections:
Entertainment: with replicas of programs such as the Barbarian Invasions and the Superbike World Championship.
Current affairs with L'Infedele, Otto e Mezzo, Omnibus, Exit and other programs.
La7d with cooking videos and other La7 daily schedule programs.
Then there is and was already there, the TG La7 channel where you can watch or review the morning, evening or lunchtime news.
Finally, I remember the sites to watch free TV on the PC from which the La7 channel could also be streamed, as well as Rai and Mediaset.

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