Open programs and files in different virtual desktops in Windows 10

Among the best new features of Windows 10 is that of virtual desktops that allows you to open several programs in different desktops.
You can try the virtual desktops function by pressing the button at the bottom of the activity view the one with three rectangles near the search box (or by pressing the Windows-Tab keys together).
The only problem with virtual desktops is that we forget their existence and, therefore, they will hardly be used.
To make the most of this Windows 10 function, a small free program has been created that adds an option to the context menu, the one that appears by pressing on a file or on a program with the right mouse button, to open that file or program in another virtual desktop, quickly .
Having this option at hand, that of virtual desktops becomes a feature that can be used every day and at any time.
The tool that allows you to add the " Open on virtual desktop " menu in the context menu of the right button is vDesk .
vDesk is a tool that, once installed on the PC, does not remain running in memory and simply adds its function in Windows 10.
Download vDesk by saving the vdesk.exe file on the PC.
To use it, you do not need to double-click on the file (which will do nothing), but open a command prompt from the window in which it was saved.
For example, if the vdesk.exe file has been saved in the C: / Download folder, open the C: folder, locate the Downloads folder, hold down the Shift key and right-click on it by clicking on the " Open " option command window here . "
From the command prompt write the following line and press Enter:
vDesk -install
Exit the command prompt by pressing the X in the upper right corner.
Now try to right click on the icon of any program or any exe file to find, among the menu items, the " Open in new virtual desktop " which is used to open it in a new virtual desktop.
A new empty virtual desktop is then created immediately with the program or file clicked open.
If you want to remove this menu item, repeat the installation procedure this time using the command:
vDesk -uninstall
With this tool you can also create an icon that opens a certain specific file or program always in a new virtual desktop of Windows 10 .
For example, to open Chrome always on virtual desktop, right click on the desktop to create a New -> Shortcut giving as destination:
C: \ download \ vDesk 3 chrome (the path C: \ download is only an example, it can be another).
To open a certain file instead write
C: \ download \ vDesk 3 "C: \ Users \ pomhey \ Documents \ Job \ text.txt" (change pomhey with the username used on the computer).
The number 3 can also be changed to 2 or 4 or 5 and indicates the target virtual desktop number.
Now that we can finally use virtual desktops effectively, let's see how to manage them quickly .
Meanwhile, keyboard shortcuts are important:
Windows + Tab : opens virtual desktops
Alt + Tab : shows open apps on a desktop.
Windows + Ctrl + D : create a new desktop
Windows + Ctrl + F4 : close the current desktop
Windows + Ctrl + Left arrow : to go to the previous desktop
Windows + Ctrl + Right arrow : to go to the next desktop
You can move a program or a window from one virtual desktop to another in the screen that appears by pressing the Windows-Tab keys together or by pressing the activity display key on the taskbar, by right-clicking on the preview of that program or window.
READ ALSO: How to have virtual multiple desktops on Windows

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