Upload File on Twitter 10 best sites to upload photos, films, videos, pdfs, docs

Everyone knows Twitter, not everyone has understood what it is for.
In fact it is not easy to explain, it could be defined as a social network but it does not serve much to make friends or communicate directly with a person then you can say microblog but 140 characters available are very few.
I already wrote a long article to try to explain what Twitter is used for, but I summarize it as follows: Twitter serves to inform and inform itself in real time by sharing its thoughts, photographs, videos, links to news and whatever you want with the world .
It is not written to be read by 10 people but by all those interested in the topic (followers).
It is not just following friends and, indeed, if a friend does not share anything interesting for me, I can also not follow him.
On Twitter I can follow bloggers, companies to receive promotions, non-professional journalists, those who write diaries telling their own lives, those who share funny videos, politicians, famous artists who tell about tours and news, public administration systems (for services like traffic) and, to put it briefly, anyone who writes something that fits my sphere of interest.
Among other things that can be shared there are also files, files of any kind, videos, images, photos, documents, films, songs, music, programs and so on.
Practically with Twitter you can upload files to allow those who follow, to download them with direct download (in another article the best services for uploading files on the internet)
The upload of files is done from sites external to Twitter but linked to it that allow you to upload files and provide the download link, to be shared .
This saves a lot of time and effort because it is enough to tell your friends or colleagues that a file has been uploaded and shared on Twitter to give them the opportunity to download it without a password and without restrictions.
If you are followed by many people, you can become a reference to share, for example, free first-run films or programs and so on!
On a normal site it would not be possible to put certain things (it would be illegal) but on Twitter, the control is so difficult that, in fact, you can become sharers without problems.
To upload files to Twitter, at the moment, the best Upload and file sharing services are:
1) Bit.ly is the most famous service to shorten the link to be posted on Twitter.
It also allows you to upload files of a certain type: jpeg, png, gif, bmp, tiff images and avi, mov, flv, mp4, swf and even pdf files.
There seem to be no limitations on file size and the bandwidth is fast enough for uploads and downloads.
2) FileSocial allows you to upload files up to 20 MB .
It does not require registration, you just have to connect the Twitter account and give the authorization of use.
It also provides statistics to know how many have downloaded that file.
3) TweetCube allows the upload of any file for a maximum size of 10 MB but the file is deleted after 30 days.
There is no registration but you only need to allow access to your Twitter account.
4) TwitDoc requires access to your Twitter account and allows you to upload documents, .doc, .ppt, .xls, .pdf files with a maximum size of 15 MB, jpg, png, gif images, up to 10 MB and videos mpeg, avi, flv, mov, mp4, up to 25 MB.

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