Unsubscribe from newsletters and email subscriptions on Gmail and Outlook.com

The newsletters are those emails that arrive periodically, from commercial sites, blogs and forums.
The newsletters can be serious and regular when the user signed up giving his consent, but it often happens that commercial emails are received to which no consent has ever been given.
This happens for two reasons, because someone took the address from another company that maybe sold it or because it stole it from some database.
Promotional newsletters are an important vehicle for internet marketing, but they are often pure spam for those who receive them.
Even the regular ones from trusted companies or blogs, however, can annoy if they are too many and clog the mailbox.
Then there are two solutions:
- Filters can be created to organize emails in folders where newsletters can be automatically received (if you are subscribed to the Navigaweb newsletter, you can do so).
- You unsubscribe from subscriptions that send automatic emails that do not interest you .
If these are two or three, then it can be done manually by clicking on the Unsubscribe link that should be found under each message.
However, if there were too many, you could rely on some automatic services that, in a click, manage to unsubscribe the user from all the newsletters received.
Of such services, there are at least two that work very well only with Gmail and are safe.
1) Unroll.me (to use it to say that you are not EU citizens) is a brilliant solution for those who want to completely eliminate some newsletters and keep their favorite ones active without clogging the mailbox.
Unroll.me, for now, only works with Gmail and Google Apps accounts.
To get started, simply log in with your Google account (without giving your password) and let Unroll.me collect all the subscriptions made.
After the scan, Unroll.me presents the list of senders who send newsletters and you can quickly select the ones whose subscription you want to unsubscribe.
Once finished, you can manage the various newsletters kept active by dividing them into categories.
Those that you no longer want to receive, remain in memory on Unroll.me so that, if you think about it, you can subscribe again.
2) Deseat.me is a solution similar to Unroll.me, which allows you to check the Gmail and Outlook.com mailbox to scan the various emails received from the newsletters and cancel the various subscriptions so that you no longer receive them.
After using it, you can quickly cancel your account on Deseat.
3) Cleanfox for Gmail allows you to quickly unsubscribe from newsletters, highlighting the link to unsubscribe in Gmail, Outlook and Yahoo Mail.
This extension works well, is simple, free and also shows a percentage of interest for each automatic email received.
4) Sanebox works differently and allows you to read only the important emails, discarding the others.
5) Who uses Outlook.com, can skillfully take advantage of the option to delete newsletters, by unsubscribing, without using external services.
Open the Inbox folder on the Outlook.com website, click on the drop-down menu at the top and scroll the list by selecting Newsletter .
Outlook.com will filter all the newsletters that are in the Inbox folder, hiding the rest of the emails.
Highlight and select one of the emails sent from the newsletter for which you want to unsubscribe, click on the Organize button at the top and then on Delete all from .
This will delete all the emails received from that sender from the Outlook.com mailbox and you can also select an option to stop receiving those newsletters.
This does not cancel the subscription but blocks the reception of those emails.
6) In Gmail this option, for now, there is however you can effectively use Gmail's Priority Inbox to read only the important messages, filtering the automatic and promotional ones.
Cleaning the inbox is the first step, not only to avoid the arrival of a thousand spam messages but also to filter newsletters with promotions and offers that are of no interest or that you want to read only occasionally.
7) Get Unsubrscriber is another free online service to unsubscribe from newsletters, which works well.
Finally, I remember the best technique to avoid spam, signing up to sites and newsletters with an alias (see how to create aliases in Hotmail and Yahoo Mail) or using one of the sites to create a temporary Email address.

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