Find a person on the internet

Anyone who uses the internet can be theoretically traceable, although the type of information and the amount of data that can be found about a person depend very much on what he has written or left visible.
While it is certainly possible to find a person on the internet and find information about him, this can only be done if this person has registered on some site, possibly of a social network type, and who has not, intentionally or forgotten, set a high level of data privacy.
The important thing is to have at least one of these elements: the mobile phone number, name and surname or even just the email address .
The first thing you usually do to find a person on the internet is surely by looking for him on Google, which can work, but which is not the best choice for this type of specific search.
To find a person, it is better to use other special search sites and, above all, turn to Facebook which has its own list that can be consulted even if you have not signed up.
1) Facebook is therefore the first site to go to find information on a person because it allows you to search for him even only by his name or only by his surname.
The page that allows you to do these searches is the Facebook people list, which works a bit like old paper phone directories.
Any registered person, who has not configured the privacy settings to not be found on Facebook, can be found here.
While this list can be consulted even without being registered, in order to read information of a profile it is certainly necessary to log in with your account.
Also on Facebook you can search to find everything using it in English, with a search engine, much more powerful than the standard one of the Italian version, perfect for finding people using every known detail.
2) Whatsapp and also Facebook are, as explained in another article, the best apps for searching people by mobile number online .
3) Pipl is a site that acts as a people search engine.
You can try to find someone by their first and last name, by their nickname, by phone number or by email.
From the search bar you can also expand a menu of options to indicate other details useful for finding more precise matches, for example by entering the place where it lives or habitually resides.
This search engine aggregates all public results from social networks or other news sites by creating a page with all the details and useful links to know more information.
He is also good at finding photos of that person, if they are present on a site such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Tumblr or others.
4) Peekyou is a site similar to Pipl, provided that it functions as an aggregator of information relating to a person when they are searched for using their first and last name.
In this case, however, more than providing information, there are links to other sites from which you can then try to extract data on that name, if publicly searchable on the internet.
The effectiveness of this search engine is limited because it is based on American databases and lists.
5) TinEye can be a convenient site for searching people starting from a photo we have.
The site is one of those for finding photos and similar images, therefore not dedicated to searching for names.
However, if he can recognize a face in the photo, it may be that the results also show other photos of that same person, with links to the sites where they have been uploaded.
7) Pictreev is still one of the best sites for looking for people from the photo, which works a bit like TinyEye, but with a more dedicated orientation for looking for names.
6) Searching for a person from his email address is possible, with Pipl or using some browser extensions.
7) Searching for a person by their telephone number is also possible through some list sites such as the White Pages one, even if, in this case, we speak of a fixed and non-mobile number.
READ ALSO: 50 Sites to search anything on the internet

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