Track where a website is located, time and route to reach it

Through a simple program it is possible to find out exactly the path our internet connection takes when opening a specific website.
Unless you work with networks, this program does not have much practical utility, but it is still very interesting to use for the curiosity of understanding where the server is located where a website resides, to see the path that makes the request connection from our PC and how long it takes for this request to reach the site .
You can thus trace the position of origin of a particular website, which perhaps hosts Torrents or not really regular content or what kind of steps the connection must make to open Google, Facebook and Twitter or, simply, to check the speed of your connection web when it comes to connecting to a specific IP address .
The program that makes this operation simple is World Route which can be downloaded for free for Windows PC both in the version to be installed and in the portable version that does not require installation.
Wordroute is a program that works as a "Traceroute", that is to find the path of packets on computer networks which means identifying every single router through which data passes from one point to another which in our case is from our PC to the website that you want to open.
In the program interface, write the address of the site whose location, connection time and connection path you want to know and press Enter .
Using this same site,, as an example, we will see all the steps of the connection with the IP addresses starting from our PC up to the site server which, in this case, is located in the USA.
By pressing the various steps, you can see the route of the connection on the map and note that the connection starts from Rome, leaves Italy from Milan as if taking the plane and arrives in Mountain View, near San Francisco, where there are servers Google hosting the site.
For each passage of the route, you can see the exact position and, above all, the time to reach it measured in milliseconds.
Much more interesting is to find out where there are sites like which seems to reside in Holland, or the path to reach, which passes through Ireland or even, the Russian site.
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