Temperatures in Italy on Google Maps

There are many websites to find the weather forecast; on another page I had marked what I think are the best Italian and international online weather sites and weather forecasts.
Instead, I dedicate this article to an important and among the most complete websites that provides a full-screen page with the Google Maps map of the world, with the temperatures, winds and rain detected by all the weather stations in the area. Italian and worldwide .
READ ALSO: Check the intensity of winds, waves, snow and rain in real time
The Weather Underground website in fact provides Full Screen Weather, a web application based on Google Maps to see, at a glance, the temperatures in Italy and in the world.
Fullscreenweather works just like Google Maps, so you can use the mouse wheel to zoom in and out, and use the keys to drag the map.
It also includes keys to view the world map as a whole city, from the satellite or in relief (the physical map).
When FullScreenWeather starts, you can select the city where you are located or have it detected by the automatic location service.
By clicking the button at the top Settings you can set the unit of measurement of the temperature calculation.
You can also choose whether to display only the number that marks the temperature or also the humidity, rain, strength and direction of the winds.
The company says that this application has been developed specifically for touch-screen devices (mobile phones, smartphones or tablets), including, for example, the Apple iPad, but it also works very well on normal computers.
One of the best features is that the service creates a shortened URL, a short internet address, for each location, so that you can share that piece of map with temperatures and forecasts, with other people.
To create the link, just press the button at the top left.
As you can see, for example, when you go to Rome or Milan, there are different temperatures for each area inside the city and in neighboring countries, testifying to the fact that the weather values ​​are detected by the meteorological stations in the area .
By clicking on one of these positions, you will see the details, in Italian, of the current situation with temperatures, humidity, wind, pressure and precipitation.
A graph relating to the past is also presented and, by clicking on the name of the weather station, you can see the entire history of the weather measurements.
At the bottom left there is the weather forecast for the next few days, the forecast for the next 4 days.
The drop-down menu lists the areas of Italy or the world that are close to the location chosen on the Google Maps map
The service is clearly free and, excellent, without any disturbing advertising even if, clicking on the detailed weather forecast, you navigate to the WeatherUnderground.com site, where there are advertisements.
WeatherUnderground is not the first company to offer this type of web application for weather forecasting.
Google does it too, but it seems to me only for the United States while AccuWeather, perhaps the most famous weather site, does not use Google Maps so it is not too accurate.

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