Write articles on the internet anonymously

Everyone can write on the internet independently; and this is not a phrase made, the web offers services that make it easy and uncomplicated to publish your ideas on the internet even anonymously.
A service to open a blog like Blogger.com is also a way to open your own web space, without leaving any reference of itself.
This article is not a blog we are talking about, although it is very easy to open one, you might want to avoid the hassle of registering, even if with a fake name and without worrying about having to manage a real website.
READ ALSO: Create an anonymous blog or publish web pages without registration
1) With Pasted, on the other hand, it is possible to write directly on the internet in a web space with an univocal and determinable internet address, URL.
Basically, by accessing the Tinypaste website, a writing window appears directly and it is already possible to publish your thoughts on the internet as it appears in the figure below, without any registration.

Then after publishing their writings, an internet address is assigned and they will be kept online.
A simple service intended for those who want to write occasionally and without committing their thoughts or for those who want to keep their notes online.
From the Pasted website it is also possible to download a Firefox plugin to pass the written content of an internet page on Tinypaste, and therefore to copy and paste what is present on the web.
2) Better than TinyPaste and among the easiest online services you can find to create an anonymous web page with code or information to be published on the internet and shared on social networks, you can use the most famous website ever, PasteBin, where you can also write html code and script.
4) A similar but much more complete service is called CopyTaste with which you can easily create and publish a web page with what you want written.
In addition to text, you can also add images and videos using a very simple interface and an absolutely intuitive editor for anyone.
The nice thing is that you can, if you want, receive the comments of your readers as if it were a real blog.
5) Another excellent service to open an anonymous and complete web page, also of html editor and searchable on Google with a unique address and a title, is Disposable Web Page that automatically assigns a URL and allows you to publish online texts, images, videos and video.
6) HasteBin is an excellent alternative to Pastebin, to publish anything you want without registering anonymously.
Just write and save and then remember the generated link.
If you want to write a blog instead the best platforms to create a blog in addition to Blogger and Wordpress are listed in another post.
On another article you can see, however, what are the best platforms to make a real website, free and without the need to know html.

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