Personalized privacy on Facebook to select who can read the profile and the published posts

Recently, seeing that you can't do without it, some friends who seemed irreducible and who promised they would never sign up for Facebook have done so.
Despite having explained to them that, following the guide step by step to maintain privacy on Facebook, you can rest assured that no one, if not authorized, can read private messages, these friends have thought it well to block the entire bulletin board.
They therefore remain spectators and leave no possibility of interacting with them.
Since signing up for Facebook by blocking everything (as well as signing up with a fake name) makes absolutely no sense, renewing the invitation to check the privacy settings which, however complex, give way to decide on the visibility of almost every aspect, we also see how it is You can also maintain privacy with friends .
Specifically, you can certainly make sure that a change of state, private information or your own thought written on the bulletin board is visible only to some, excluding other contacts .
The goal of this article is to personalize privacy with a list of selected friends .
To have fun with Facebook and become social, you cannot just add those 20 personal friends and relatives but, presumably, 100 or more people will be added, including acquaintances, classmates, colleagues and strangers.
So, since you can't have two Facebook accounts, there are two options:
1) Create a separate fan page with which you can interact with non-friends who are interested in following us.
2) To avoid a double job, you can use your profile either by posting news that can be read by everyone or by leaving private messages visible only to some .
The fundamental function of Facebook privacy is the creation of a " friend list ", selecting people who may have limited visibility or, vice versa, selecting those who can see everything.
Even if you use Facebook only for family and friends, you can always add new contacts by creating a new list of friends, defining personalized privacy settings different from the general ones.
To create a list, click on Account -> Edit Friends -> Create a list and select the strangers by calling it with the name " Others ".
The easiest way to post messages on the bulletin board that are visible only to close friends and relatives, is to exclude Others from the general visibility criteria
Enter the Account area -> Privacy settings and click on " Customize Settings ".
For each item in the list, you can put it on " Personalize " and then enter " Only Friends " Except Others .
In this way, all information is seen by all those who are not included in the "Others" list.
Conversely, you could first create a list with your closest friends by calling it, for example " Personal " and set the privacy items, always in a personalized way, inserting " Make visible to .. " -> Specific people -> Personal .
Now everything becomes easier because everything you write on the bulletin board, every link and every photo is seen only by the selected friends .
When you want everyone to read what is published, simply press the padlock next to the " Share " button and select " Friends " or " Everyone ".
If you want to write something that you want to be visible to everyone except some selected people, just choose, always from the lock menu, " Personalize " and exclude specific people, make sure that the "define as default " option is not selected.
This essentially allows you to customize the settings of each individual post in order to decide what Others can see while friends will always see everything.
By defining a " restricted access " list, these contacts will be under control and will read only what, manually, is allowed.
In the general privacy settings, you can also choose to put " Just Me " for each item that you want to keep confidential.
From the settings page, by clicking below where Applications and websites is written, you can specify who can see what is shared by clicking on the " Like " button, under " Activities in games and applications ".
In all these cases, without blocking all and without deleting some contacts, you can always type some names in the " Hide to ".
What you can't really do is decide who can read a comment or post posted on a friend's profile or another page .
The only possible thing is that, instead of writing something on a friend's bulletin board, you post the message on your profile, with your privacy settings, but addressing it to that friend by writing @name .
The post should appear on his wall but will respond to the writer's personalized privacy settings.

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