Best Cydia apps and tweaks for iPhone and iPad with iOS 10 (and Jailbreak)

Millions of iPhone and iPad owners have been able to unlock their device with the jailbreak procedure for iOS, which, as already mentioned, gives, as already mentioned, the possibility of being able to download and install applications not only from the official iTunes store but also from other stores, among which the most famous is called Cydia .
After freeing or " jailing " the iPhone or iPad, you will notice the presence of the Cydia icon from which to search for tweaks, add-ons and applications, which for various reasons are contrary to Apple's rules for inclusion in the iTunes Store.
Although Jailbreaking has changed a lot over the years, and today it is certainly less exciting and less necessary than a few years ago, there are still many useful applications to add functions and change the behavior of the Apple mobile phone or tablet .
First of all it is important to know broadly what Cydia is and how to use it .
Cydia is an unofficial store with several repositories of applications that can be installed on your Apple device.
You can also add other repositories to this store besides the default one which, however, should contain all the apps that you may need.
The most famous repository is that of Big Boss, where the various Tweaks or Cydia apps are located.
The apps in Cydia are divided into categories that can be summarized in 4 main types: applications, tweaks, widgets, and themes.
- Apps or normal applications that are in Cydia because they have not been approved by Apple.
- Tweaks or Add-Ons : these are changes or improvements to the default iOS applications.
- Widgets are essentially shortcuts and tools to display information about some apps, on the main screen (with X dashboard), on the lock screen or on notifications.
- Themes to customize the iPhone graphically with the DreamBoard and Winterboard applications.
After installing a few applications, it is important to know how to remove them and how they update.
To delete the Cydia applications and the changes (the tweaks) you must touch the Manage button on the bottom bar, find the application to be deleted, touch Edit and then Remove.
Otherwise you can install the Cydelete app from the BigBoss repository and delete the installed apps as you would with the official ones downloaded from iTunes.
The updates in Cydia are instead managed in a similar way to the App Store, in a semi-automatic way.
To start, some (among the millions) of the best Cydia applications for an iPhone and iPad unlocked and released with the Jailbreak are (there are no links, you have to look for them on Cydia by writing the name):
1) Activator allows you to customize the button and multitouch features on iOS.
Activator, however, is above all the backbone of many other apps and tweaks, an installation required for almost all customizations.
2) UntetheredHeySiri allows you to activate Siri by saying Hey Siri at any time and not only when the iPhone is connected to the charger.
3) HideMe8 allows you to customize many things, for example by hiding applications, removing interface elements, customizing the date text, modifying elements of the lock screen, modifying the appearance of the Control Center and more.
4) CCSettings allows you to customize the control center with various settings.
5) MyWi adds hotspot tethering for iOS without having to pay for the service provider.
6) Prefdelete allows you to delete applications and tweaks directly from the iPhone Settings.
7) Slide2Kill8 closes all running applications as a simple swipe down on the multitasking screen.
8) DetailedBatteryUsage in addition to making a list of apps with the percentages of battery consumption, it also shows graphs for the energy used, the CPU energy used and many other information.
9) Flurry lets you customize shades of transparency and change the color levels for everything. .
10) SwipeSelection allows to improve and simplify the selection of the text, otherwise terrible on iPhone and iPad.
You can slide your finger on the keyboard to move the cursor, or hold down the Shift key to select a portion of text.
11) Flesky is a beta keyboard widely used in some applications.
12) Showcase allows you to change the font of the letters on the iOS keyboard.
13) CallBar : when you receive a call on iPhone, the call screen interrupts what you are doing; with CallBar when the phone rings and there is an incoming call, the notification appears in a non-intrusive bar, without covering the full screen.
14) Password Pilot : the fact that Apple asks for the password every time you download an app can be annoying so you can disable it.
15) Plugication is used to make sure that when you insert the headphones, it resumes playing music without having to touch anything else.
16) IntelliScreen costs $ 10 and allows you to add information on the lock screen.
17) F.lux reduces eye strain by changing the brightness automatically according to the time of day.
18) CleverPin allows you to customize the PIN code screen with additional options.
19) Zephyr adds gestures to quickly switch between apps.
21) AnyLockApp allows you to add the launch icon of a specific app on the lock screen.
22) Emblem improves the visibility of notifications on iPad.
23) MakeitMine is a Cydia app to customize what is written on the status bar of the iPhone.
24) iFile to view all the files of the iPhone or iPad and all the folders as you would on a computer.
24) Accelerate adds a setting to the iPhone to make the animations faster and therefore, in different cases, the execution of the applications.
25) TetherMe to activate tethering and share the connection even if the operator does not allow it.
26) iBlackList to filter unwanted calls and block their reception.
27) Purge is the tweak that brings on iOS an immediate close button of all open apps in one go.
28) CCControls is a free tweak to customize the appearance of the control center.
29) CCToggles to add custom links to applications on the control center.
30) CCHide allows you to hide parts of the Control Center such as the music player.
31) FlipControlCenter allows you to configure the number of switches in the Control Center, even increasing them to have more fast options.
32) Biolockdown, for iPhone 5S with TouchID, to make sure that the chosen applications can only be used when reading the authorized fingerprint.
33) HiddenSettings7 allows access to internal and hidden system tools, which are used by Apple to test various functions such as animation speed, UI changes and other customizations
34) Messages Customizer is only used to change the color of SMS messages.
35) BytaFont 2 is a Cydia tweak that serves to customize the font on the device among many different types.
36) Zeppelin allows you to change the logo of the telephone provider (eg TIM, Vodafone, Wind, Tre) in the status bar.
Zeppelin is available for free in the ModMyi repository.
37) CustomLS allows you to customize the lock screen and to replace the "slide to unlock" text with a personalized text and also to remove the clock from the lock screen.
38) Navigate from Maps to always have the GPS navigator at hand.
39) AlwaysClear : to reject notifications in iOS you must first touch a tiny button with the X button and then touch again.
This tweak deletes the X and presents the delete button directly.
40) NCAllonly : one of the biggest mysteries of iOS is the tab of lost notifications that is useless.
With NCALLonly you can turn the Notification Center into a real notification center without duplicate information.
41) NoSlowAnimations After the latest iOS update, many users have found the system slow due to the animations.
You can turn them off completely with this tweak.
42) RecordMyScreen is the best way to record what's going on on an iPhone screen.
43) Browser Changer to set a default browser other than Safari, for example Chrome or any other browser.
44) Springtomize, for the visual personalization of an iPhone.
45) MapsOpener to open the links of the maps in text messages or in other apps, in Google Maps.
46) Winterboard to customize the graphical interface (with iOS 9 it does not work and the Anemone alternative must be installed)
To make your iPhone different from that of your friends, you can search for and install one of these two apps in Cydia.
With Winterboard it is possible to make the iPhone identical to Android or even Mac OSX.
After putting one of these apps you can always download the themes from Cydia, in the relevant section or by copying the themes in the folder of themes on the phone with programs such as iFunBox to move files from PC to iPhone as if it were a USB stick.
47) SBSettings and SBProfiles
SBSettings is a tweak, among the most popular, which allows you to quickly access all the settings of the device such as energy, refresh, Bluetooth and everything else.
SBProfiles allows you to create and save settings profiles.
NCSetting is the evolution of SBSettings.
48) Nitrous is a tweak to speed up internet browsing if other browsers like Chrome are used.
It is not free, however, it costs $ 0.99
49) Flex is a 4-dollar application that allows you to modify any type of application without difficulty and without having to be a programmer.
Obviously it is an app recommended only for those who enjoy doing very intense experiments.
50) ForceGoodFit is a tweak for iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus to optimize the use of the larger screen of the outdated apps.
51) Auxo 2 is an app-swicher to improve multitasking when there are multiple applications open together, which shows a small preview.
Similar to Auxo there are other applications such as Zephyr, Switchy and CardSwitcher.
52) BiteSMS is the best application to send and receive SMS on unlocked iPhone.
53) Dashboard X, as mentioned above, is the application that allows you to install widgets on the main application screen on iPhone and iPad, to have real-time updates immediately visible.
This means that it is possible to add a clock between the icons, or the weather or other widgets of various types.
Note, however, that widgets consume battery faster.
54) ExKey allows you to add a fifth row on the iOS keyboard, with numbers and symbols.
55) RevealMenu allows you to use the long touch function on an icon to bring up the quick menu.
The function belongs to the iPhone 6S and with this Tweak it can also be implemented on older iPhones.
56) Shortcuts adds the action menu to other apps too.
57) SwitcherTweak to customize the iOS 10 Switcher app.
58) SpotlightBeGone is used to disable Spotlight if you never use it.
59) Untethered Hey Siri allows you to call up Siri at any time with the voice command Hey Siri, as on iPhone 6S, even on older iPhone models.
60) BreadcrumbsAway adds the function to remove with a swipe the go back button on the app.

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