Set a fixed and static IP on Windows PC

Configuring a static IP address on Windows is essential in many scenarios, for example to share files to computers on the network, to control a service on a PC remotely, to share a printer with other users or when configuring port forwarding.
To understand what static and fixed IP means, you need to know how a PC connected to the internet or in a local network is identified.
Usually, when connecting a computer to a network, the DHCP server (whose function is governed by the home router) automatically provides all the settings necessary to connect.
In this case, the network settings and also the IP address are dynamic (which means automatic) and can change as soon as you restart the computer or if the lease (ie the assignment) of the configuration expires.
DHCP ensures that the computers connected to the router receive the right configurations every time.
A statically assigned IP configuration, however, never changes and may be preferable to reduce problems with network services and to use some network features that require a fixed configuration.
As we see in this guide, on Windows, there are many ways to set a static and fixed IP address, from internal settings or even using external programs, which can come in handy to be able to change IP and network configuration with a click (useful for those who use the laptop in several offices).
READ ALSO: Guide to DHCP: Assign IP manually or leave the automatic IP "> ask for a fixed public IP for free).
To deepen the theoretical side of the question, refer to the article on What is a Static IP and what are the advantages .
To set up a fixed and static IP on Windows, the standard method is to go to the network settings.
In Windows 7 and also in Windows 10 you can open the Control Panel, in the Network and Internet> Network and Sharing Center section .
Whatever the type of network to be configured, the procedure is the same and in the screen of the network connection center, you only need to click on the blue link of the network to be configured which is located in the center of the page, under the section of active networks, next the word Connections :.
When clicked, the configuration window opens with the details of the network parameters.
Then press on Properties, search and select Internet Properties version 4 (TCP / IPv4) and then press Properties .
To set the static IP, select Use the following IP address and write the numbers manually.
If you write wrong or random numbers, your PC will lose your internet connection.
READ ALSO: Finding public IP and private IP and difference
To set a fixed IP in Windows 10 you can also use the settings.
Open Settings from the Start menu and go to the Network and Internet section.
Press on Wifi (if the network is Wifi), then on the name of the network on the right.
Scroll down the following page until you find the word " IP settings, IP assignment " and press Change .
Press on DHCP to choose the Manual option, then activate the IPv4 switch and, finally, write the IP address to be fixed with the Subnet Mask parameter, the gateway IP and the DNS server IPs.
In Windows 10, starting from version 1903 update of April 2019, it is also possible to manually set the IP for Ethernet connections from Settings> Network and Internet
Press on Ethernet, then on the name of the network in the center and on the tab you can scroll down to find the Edit button under the IP assignment.
If you don't see the Modify key, then Windows 10 has not yet been updated and you will have to wait for the update.
The static IP address for the device should be something like
As explained in another guide, IPs starting with 192.168 are always internal IPs, so they are the ones that can be set manually.
The Subnet Mask is usually always
To find the IP of the default gateway, as already explained, it is necessary to use a network command such as IPconfig (it is usually
For DNS, we have seen how to change DNS on PC, using faster public servers than the default ones.
In another article, then, we saw the programs to create profiles of IP and network settings, to set a fixed and static IP by storing the connection parameters.
In this way it becomes easy to switch from one IP configuration to another with a click and keep the parameters stored for use in different places or for different purposes.
A free and simple program that allows you to set a static IP immediately, without having to go to the network settings is Free IP Switcher (for Windows 10 and 7)
It is not only used to set a static and fixed IP but also to store network profiles so that you can change it with a click every time you change places.
Imagining a consultant who is sent around the city to do IT operations, he will have to go online in all the offices where he has to work and every time he needs a fixed, different IP address.
With this program he can set them only once, so when he returns to one of these offices whose network settings he has memorized, he has the configuration to use and can activate it with a click.
The parameters that can be changed are the IP, the Gateway, the Subnet Mask and the primary or secondary DNS.
In addition, very importantly, it can set the web proxy for each profile (when in some companies the internet is blocked is because of this proxy) and the domain settings (which however never need to be changed).
Once a profile has been written via the interface, it is possible to change and activate the IP whenever you want simply by pressing the "Activate" button.
For a more immediate solution, you can use a portable program, which does not require installation and therefore can be stored on a USB stick.
Simple Static IP is only used to change network settings, without storing them for later use.
READ ALSO: How to get a static ADSL IP address with No-IP

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