PC keyboard game for children and babies

Children are naturally attracted to screens and, inevitably, also to computers.
Put a baby, even just 4 months old, in front of a keyboard and this will push the buttons at random and maybe even move the mouse, watching, when it is older, how things move on the screen.
Mostly, however, they love to split and smash the keyboard, which can be a really fun and, if desired, even instructive game.
If you want to play with your very young child, you can use some applications and programs that will make typing on the PC keyboard more fun, making the computer a toy immune to any damage, avoiding that the random key press can change settings or ruin jobs .
In this article, programs to let a child randomly tap on the computer keyboard while having fun, without creating problems for the computer itself.
1) Baby Smash! is a small program that allows even younger children to play on the computer without doing damage and without deleting programs and files.
The free program opens in full screen making it impossible for the child to exit the screen and every time a button or even the mouse is pressed, the large letter or a geometric figure appears on the screen.
A female voice speaks and says the key that is typed or drawn on the screen naming the letters and figures.
In the options you can change this behavior by making a laugh every time a key is pressed.
The shapes and letters disappear after a few seconds to make room for new ones.
Baby Smash locks all Windows keys and exits only by pressing the Alt-F4 key.
The program runs in full screen and there are no buttons that the child can accidentally click to exit or see anything else.
2) BabySplat is another Baby Smash-like program that shows random shapes on the screen every time you press a button and play a sound.
The program is not very sophisticated but it is still fun for the type of sounds that are generated.
The program does not have any protection mechanism, therefore, it takes very little to terminate or exit it.
The screen also needs to be cleared manually once it becomes full.
3) Maddie is a simple full screen program that makes the letters typed appear on the screen.
The program is protected and does not allow you to quit at least until you write the word "maddie".
4) Keyboard Pounder (for download press the link above the word 970kb ) is an old program (perhaps not updated since 2000) that allows children to hammer the keyboard and admire the images of fish and flowers that appear on the screen every time a key is pressed.
The fish are animated and swimming on the screen and occasionally butterflies are seen flying across the screen, with background music.
The program runs in full screen on a black background to exit you have to press the small Menu button in the upper left corner.
On Windows 8 to install or run these programs you must avoid the Smartscreen block and press, when the warning appears, on "Other information".

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