Manage tabs, history and hidden pages in Chrome with 7 useful extensions

The Google Chrome browser is progressively becoming the best program to surf the internet, significantly faster and incredibly richer in features than Internet Explorer, so much so that today, it can also be considered better than Firefox.
The reasons for this continuous positive evolution derive from the continuous development of new versions and the constant increase of extensions that increase the functionality of the browser and the interaction with the websites.
After seeing a general list of best extensions for Google Chrome, we now see 8 extensions that allow you to speed up some operations including: browsing between tabs or tabs, reading the history of the sites visited and viewing hidden pages .
1) ToomanyTab, to manage many open tabs together in a simple way .
2) Extensions to have browsing statistics and history of Chrome is a very useful extension that allows you to immediately see the last visited sites and, have a better overview of the history.
3) Chrome Access is used to quickly access the hidden pages of Chrome .
Precisely, those pages which can be accessed by writing, on the address bar, about: cache to see the files in the cache or ' chrome: // history ' to see the history, are hidden.
Some of these pages can be seen from the link in the browser menu, others are hidden and can be useful in some occasions.
For example, with the hidden page about: flags you can enable the experimental functions (when there are) while with about: net-internals you can look at the status of the internet.
4) Better History is a very useful extension for Google Chrome because it allows you to look at the history of the sites visited by filtering the dates more precisely and faster thanks to a header of buttons.
In addition to these, I would like to add 4 other very useful extensions here including:
Flash Control to manage the Flash plugin of the browser and enable or disable some functions of the Flash components present on websites.
Tab Jump ideal for those who surf with many open tabs, so you can quickly put them in order.

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