Check privacy on Facebook (new tool)

Facebook has always had problems with the management of the privacy of its users for whom it has never been easy to understand the settings to decide with whom to share their account information.
To simplify the matter as much as possible and make sure that everyone is able to protect their privacy, even for less good or less attentive users, a new tool has been released called Privacy Control .
This is a concise version of the general privacy settings section, all made with examples to help even those who are less experienced understand what these options mean.
The control of privacy can be done immediately by clicking on the button at the top right with the padlock, next to that of notifications.
In the menu that opens you should see the drawing of a small dinosaur and an inscription with a blue background " privacy check ".
All options are collected in three guided steps.
1) Your posts
You want anyone to be able to see your status updates, photos or shares, or only "> Friends" friends should see them, to prevent private photos, perhaps those with children or photos of intimate moments, from not being publicly visible.
Then click on the button below the writing: Who would you like to see your next post? and go on.
2) Your applications
This is an important section often overlooked by almost everyone.
This is the list of applications installed over the years.
Since applications are one of the most used ways to infect Facebook users' PCs, for account security reasons, it is worth reviewing them to get rid of those that are not used and those that no longer exist.
Also from the list you can check what visibility the updates published in our diary have from these apps.
In this case it is possible to put "only me" to hide the use of that app from everyone and thus avoid annoying friends with games (especially Candy Crush) or other applications.
3) Your profile
Here, too, there are things that many people have never changed and that affect the visibility of some important personal information.
Work, hometown, education, girlfriend, phone number and other information can only be visible to friends or even to anyone if you prefer.
Click the information link at the bottom of the section to access the personal page and change the privacy of everything you want.
Finally, I would like to remind you of the main points of Facebook's privacy guide : the friend lists .
All contacts can be organized into different lists so that only selected contacts can see some things, hiding the rest from others.
You will notice, for example, that in the visibility settings you can choose " friends except acquaintances ", so as to exclude those included in the acquaintances list.
In this privacy control, the important option for checking the tags in Facebook is missing, to authorize the publication, in the diary, of the photos in which you are tagged.

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