Create Polls on Facebook with two choices and images or GIFs

Surveying has always been a troubled feature of Facebook, originally present in the form of quizzes, then only in groups, then as Questions and now relaunched in a simple and also quite fun way.
The new Facebook surveys can be created directly from the box to write the status, both on the website and on the Facebook application.
The peculiarity of Facebook surveys is that you can add, under each proposed choice, a GIF, or an animated image that allows you to make the surveys very graphic and more inviting to participate.
To create a survey on Facebook, simply click the box to write a new status and then choose the Surveys option from the options below.
The Facebook survey can only be between two choices, so the question must be of the type: do you like this or that more>> sites to do online surveys, but in its simplicity it can be fun to use, especially if combined with GIFs.
However, surveys can also be created within Facebook groups, where they are slightly different.
In groups it is possible to insert more than two options to the survey and without images or GIFs.

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