How to number pages on Word

We have made a long document using Microsoft Word as a writing program and we want to put all the pages in order by numbering "> Special Word functions to always use when writing a document
1) How to number pages on Word on PC
If we have installed Office on our PC, all we have to do is open the Word program, using the Start menu at the bottom left (on the Windows operating system) and looking for the exact name.
The same operation can also be performed on Mac (in case we have a copy of Word for Mac), looking for the program in the Launchpad and starting it; the two programs are identical on Windows and Mac, so the steps that we will see later can be used on any version in our possession.
In the welcome screen of Word we choose Empty document to create a new text document and we start writing everything we need to complete the document, without paying attention (at this stage) to the number for the pages.
If, on the other hand, our document has already been created, we click on the bottom left of Open other documents files to open a previous job.
Once the file has been uploaded to Word (or after writing), we can number the pages by going to the Insert menu at the top and clicking on the Page number button, which will appear in the bar that will appear.

When the button is clicked, a superimposed window will open, where we can choose where to place the page number, the style and color of the numbers and whether to customize the page numbering according to particular needs.

Choosing the most appropriate numbering for the type of document we are creating.
By choosing the page number format item from the menu, we can also change the type of number (for example by adopting Roman numerals, to make it even more effective or stylized numbers or letters), insert a division into chapters (useful if we are writing a book with Word) and, more importantly, we can start the numbering from a precise sheet, very useful if we had inserted a cover, a title page or an index of the contents in the first pages of our document.

To start with the numbering to a predetermined sheet number we just have to click on the Page number button, then click on Format page number .
In the small window that we will see, click on the Start from item to activate it, then enter the number of the page from which to start the count.
If we do not like the numbering or have made a mistake during the creation phase, we can always go back and cancel the changes by simply clicking on the Remove page numbers item in the Page number menu, already widely shown throughout this article.
All the customizations made with the page numbers will disappear from the document and we will be able to start over or print everything without page numbers.
2) How to number pages on Word for Android and iOS
Word is available for free for Android and iOS smartphones, where you only need to use a registered Microsoft or Outlook account to be able to edit documents saved on the OneDrive cloud or created on the spot using the device screen.
Once the Word app is open on our mobile device, we select the file or an empty document, we write everything we need and at the end we click on the A-shaped icon with a pencil at the top.
A new bar will open at the bottom; now click on Home to open the tools menu, then go to the Insert menu.
Within this menu we scroll down the various items present, until we find the item that is needed for our purposes, that is , page number .

Once this item is selected we will be offered various types of formatting, so that we can enter the number anywhere on the page.
The rest of the features are similar to what has already been seen from a fixed PC, we will only have to confirm the option and see the final result on the document.
3) How to number pages on LibreOffice Writer
If Office is too expensive for us to support but we still need to manage our documents and number them before taking them to work or school, we can always use LibreOffice, the free office suite downloadable from here -> LibreOffice .
Click on the Download now button to get the installer, then proceed with the actual installation.
At the end we look for the Writer program, that is the Word correspondent in the free office suite; open the program we start writing or open a compatible document by clicking on the menu File -> Open at the top left; when adding page numbers, we click on the Insert menu and then on the Page number item.

The number will be immediately added in the same line where the cursor is present; the other pages in the document will also see the appearance of the page number.
Compared to Word, the option is more direct but we can obviously move it, delete it and change the style and font using the commands and options on the top bar, so as to make the numbering perfect for the type of document we are creating.
READ ALSO: 10 text formatting tricks with Microsoft Word

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