Have a professional biography on social media and on CV

Talking about yourself is difficult and doing it in 160 characters is even more complicated.
This is the reason why, for many of us, it is a real obstacle to overcome that of writing an effective biography on social networks, which summarizes ourselves in a few words and makes us become interesting.
Facebook, Linkedin and especially Twitter require short sentences, which are also professional, perhaps with a bit of irony that never hurts, which makes one think of the reader "this guy seems nice and intelligent".
Today's social networks give us a unique opportunity to learn how to write a more effective curriculum and, above all, to hone that highly valuable ability which is the ability to synthesize .
First of all, the biography on social media must be short, just like a resume.
A bio-professional, like a curriculum, must convince those who read it or who happens on the profile, that we are worthy of her time.
Regardless of the social network you use, we see here how to write the biographical on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Google+, to make the most of the space provided and how to translate that same biography into your CV, so that it becomes more attractive, modern and less banal .
The rules for an effective biographical on social networks are essentially six:
1) Show "what we have done", without saying "who we are".
Needless to say that you are "responsible", "creative", "efficient" or "leader" if you don't explain why.
Instead, it is better to write down what has been done and leave the reader the judgment if we are truly "responsible".
This means leaving adjectives aside and writing action verbs instead.
It is not enough to say that we are creative, we must also refer to specific work projects or even life opportunities where creativity has proven itself.
2) Adapt keywords specifically for social media
To promote yourself on social networks you need to be specific and not generic, clearly indicating what information can be obtained by following our Twitter or Linkedin profile.
Although with different terms, the same goes for a curriculum, which must clearly indicate what can be done to give more value to the company.
The areas of interest are the keywords of a biography and should be written immediately, at the beginning and at the center of each curriculum.
All profiles created on social websites are searchable based on those keywords.
3) Avoid the usual words.
The usual words are those abused for years in the curricula that we have already mentioned above.
According to this study by Linkedin, related to some countries, the most used words in curricula that are now worth nothing are: responsible, creative, effective, expert, strategic, motivated, organized.

4) Answer the question of the reader: "What can this do for me">
It does not matter what companies have accomplished and what has been done in the past, but what can be done for those who find us, both as a curriculum and as a profile in a social network.
5) Copy from winning personalities and the most famous profiles
There is nothing wrong with copying the style of a famous social profile, its sentences or jokes, if then these are internalized and made their own.
Basically it may be that behind a very followed profile, perhaps of a politician or a VIP, there is an expert who does it as a job to study the most effective language to use in a social network.
6) Update often
At least every three months it would be appropriate to update your CV or Linkedin profile, highlighting the new areas of interest and the new skills, instead bringing the less attractive characteristics to the background.
The professionals of writing on blogs and on social networks, review what they write over and over again, making continuous changes and revisions.
Speaking now of the 4 most used social networks in the world, Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin and Google+, let's see how to write and edit your personal biography.
1) Twitter
Twitter bio should be 160 characters long, plus space for a link and geographic location.
To update it just press on the wheel at the top right and then on Edit profile .
Given the few characters available, it is worth focusing on interesting topics and presenting yourself with a few keywords, putting at least one not serious in the middle or at the end.
2) Facebook
To edit the biography in Facebook you have to press on Information and then " About you ".
In Facebook you can also enter professional skills, write quotes and anything you want in the various sections.
3) LinkedIn
Linkedin, being a site for professional and business contacts, requires more depth, less humor and a lot of career orientation.
Go with the mouse on "Profile" at the top and choose "Edit" from the drop-down menu.
We have written, in this regard, how to create a professional profile on Linkedin to be noticed

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