Auto compilation of Captcha codes on the internet

When you need to fill out a form on the internet, to write a comment, to participate in an online survey or to register for a service, very often you have to write a code made of symbols, numbers and random letters, readable in a distorted way, in an image called Captcha.
Captcha code was invented to prevent these forms from being filled and sent using automated programs and to make life more difficult for spammers.
Captcha also often appears in logins to websites and in the recovery of Facebook passwords or other portals to prevent an automatic program from guessing the password.
So if the Captcha code remains useful and important as a security tool, for many people, it is also a damnation and a huge nuisance.
The letters to be copied and written are often incomprehensible, difficult to read and it is above all those who see little of us who suffer the insertion of this Captcha.
Without doing hacker activities, a program was released aimed at those who are often forced to enter the security code when filling in the forms and those with vision problems, to automatically compile and write the captchas found on the internet .
READ ALSO: How to overcome the ReCAPTCHA quickly in the login to the sites
Buster is probably the best online service for automatic recognition captcha from the web browser .
This means that if you surf on any web page that requires you to resolve a captcha code inside the image, you can press the extension key to resolve it and go on automatically.
All you need to do is just a click on the extension button at the bottom of the widget to automatically resolve the audio captcha.
Speech recognition isn't foolproof but you can try again if the extension didn't work properly the first time.
The online service does not bypass the code by cracking it, it simply uses the audio challenge recognition and writes the word for us.
Buster works on Chrome and Firefox, as a browser extension .
It can be tested for free on the Google ReCaptcha test site.
If you want an even more solid service capable of filling all Captcha codes automatically and effortlessly, even the most difficult ones and with the words to write, you can subscribe to the 2Captcha website.
The online service does not bypass the code by cracking it, it simply sends the image to their servers where it is processed and sent back to the user's browser by filling in the verification field.
The cost is $ 3 per 1000 filled Captcha, both normal and ReCaptcha.

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