Add links to the Google menu

The HomePage, as well as and any other Google page as well as the Gmail and Google Maps sites, has a main menu on the checkered button at the top right which is a selection menu of the different services .
From any Google page you can then open YouTube, Google Maps, Google Drive, Google Play, Gmail, the Calendar and much more from that launch menu.
This 3x3 grid of buttons that until now was fixed, you can now customize and modify the Google menu by choosing which services to appear at the top, which will be the ones you use the most.
From now the icons of the various Google services can be moved with the mouse to your liking.
If you want to facilitate access to services such as Google Translate or Blogger, you can scroll down the launcher, press the icon of one of these services and drag it with the mouse upwards.
Those that are not used instead can be moved down.
If desired, other links such as Adwords, Google image search, Google video search, Google Keep, Google contacts, Webmaster tools and each google site where the small squares appear at the top right can be added to this menu .
To do this, just visit the site, for example, of Google Images and then press the button with the squares at the top right.
The box asks if you want to add this site to the Google selection menu.
If you want even more customization then you need to use Google Chrome and install one of these extensions.
With App Launcher Customizer you can add multiple buttons to the menu.
After installing it in Chrome, open, click on the button with the squares at the top right to open a wider menu, with the main Google apps, not in a 3x3 grid but in a 3x4 box.
By pressing the Configure button you enter a configuration screen where you can add other Google services to the launcher quick menu.
Here you can remove icons of services that are not used by using the mouse and dragging them from right to left or add others from the list, from left to right.
If you add more links on the grid it grows and there is no limit to the apps that can be kept in the box.
By pressing the Custom Shortcut button you can also add the link to a site of your choice, such as, optionally also indicating the link of the icon.

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