Turn on your computer faster by optimizing startup

Last week, a program was released that is proposed as among the best of the year in the Windows sector.
The program is called Soluto and will surely be talked about in computer magazines for its automatic, easy but perfectly effective approach, to optimize the startup time of the computer so that it turns on faster .
Taking a step back, before understanding what this program does, let's see what need it meets in particular.
Both a used computer, after many programs have been installed, and a new PC of those with Windows and many pre-installed software, turns on with a longer load or long memo depending on how many programs start when Windows is booted.
Most of the time, running these software together with Windows is not only useless because maybe they are not needed, but it is also penalizing because the PC starts more slowly and because each of these starts a background process that consumes memory.
You don't need to be an IT expert to understand that the more programs are open and active, the more the computer is busy so, consequently, it can go slower.
READ ALSO: best programs to manage Windows startup .
To install Soluto on Windows PC, on a server or on a Mac, you must first download the program (from the official website it no longer exists, so it may no longer work).
From a purely technical point of view, Soluto does nothing that has not been seen before: it either disables programs that open with Windows or otherwise starts them with delays so that they load after the boot process is complete (These operations can be obtained with some programs such as Autoruns, Starter and Startup Delayer which are discussed in the articles on slow Windows startup and on how to speed up the startup of the PC).
The difference is that Soluto manages to make this optimization process accessible to everyone, regardless of their technical skills.
The use is quite simple and interactive: the main interface constantly shows which procedure you need to follow.
Once installed, you are asked to reboot your computer so Soluto can begin the process of calculating the total boot time of the computer.
On the main window, you will see the passage of time and the applications and processes that load during Windows boot.
Graphically pleasing, Soluto comes with colored bars that show the time for each process involved in startup.
In the end, you get a graphical report that indicates some of these as indispensable, some removable programs but still useful at startup with Windows, others instead absolutely to be removed from the boot because there is no use keeping them in the background.
Every recommendation and advice provided by the program is motivated and, for each application found and marked as removable, the answer to the question " what happens if I remove this program from startup with Windows" is also written >
As mentioned above, the user can also decide the startup time for each program .
Basically, by default, they all start together and create Ram overloads and jumps on the hard disk.
If instead you set pauses or delays (Delay), you can really optimize the boot of the computer because the specified application will start only when the system is in an idle state.
With Soluto not everything ends on first use; this tool for Windows 8, 10, Xp, Vista and Windows 7 in fact records the history of the time taken by each reboot and has an option to show the graphical representation of past computer boot.
Soluto also allows you to find and fix crashes of programs that stop responding on Windows .
Last, but not least, Soluto has a " social " aspect that allows you to extract information about unknown programs by sharing the information of users who use the program, which also include judgments on those to be removed and those to be loaded always and in any case when the computer boots.
In the end, it must be said that this program really works and proves it with the visible calculation of time.
My computer, already quite optimized but still very used, dropped from 2 minutes and 43 seconds to 2:25 with a certain improvement in terms of startup speed.
Of course I could have done it with other programs or with manual procedures but Soluto made this job easier and more immediate.

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