See mutual friends and photos together between two people on Facebook Friendship pages

Since Facebook was born, it has always been possible to look at the profile page of friends and contacts to check what is in common with them.
Common friends are highlighted on the friends profile pages and you can manually check if there are common interests in the pages you like.
In the last few days Facebook has activated a new devilry in the form of a FriendShip Page that shows, for two people registered on Facebook, what they have in common .
You can therefore easily see immediately which friends in common have two Facebook users, in which photos and videos these two appear together, the events in which they participated together, which elements both like and other data common to the two accounts.
This new functionality is enabled for all profiles.
The friendships page on Facebook allows you to see any word or term exchanged between two friends, including status updates and comments.
To take advantage of this Friendships page, if it is not yet enabled, you must use the following URL to be written on the address bar:
// "> see friendship details".
Facebook says that you can look at the friendship page not only if the two people are friends with each other but also if both have enabled permission to be able to view the profile of friends in the privacy settings.
This means that you can also explore the friend pages of a friend and a non-friend .
The friendship pages on Facebook can, like everything on this social network, annoy those who want more privacy.
To prevent your name from being associated with that of other people and disable the friendship pages, you need to go to the privacy settings, then to the Basic information and set the visibility settings of " Who can see the list of my friends " and " Who can see my interests and other Pages " under " Friends only ".
In this way all outsiders are excluded from being able to associate their name with that of a mutual friend, in the friendship pages.
Do you like having all this information directly without having to search for it by hand?

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