Find the title of a song by singing it out loud

After searching for the best sites to listen to songs streamed via the internet, we come across a rather curious site, very innovative and certainly worth experimenting with.
While we all know that there are apps for recognizing a song on a cell phone, few know that it is also possible to use a website to find out the title and singer of a song by simply singing or humming, with your own voice, at the computer microphone, the main reason.
Midomi is basically a music search engine that finds results through speech recognition. . By singing the song, theoretically, even with your mouth closed, therefore without having to know the words of the sung part, the Midomi site should give the title and author as result. To use the Midomi service, after entering the site, click on the button at the top center "Click and Sing or Hum" and sing at the microphone. The curious thing is that he should recognize the song even just by intoning the tune that he remembers with his mouth closed, without having to know the words. The recording must last at least 10 seconds, after which, after processing, the service shows the results that correspond to what was sung. It should even work whistling music. Everything you sing can then be shared in the community of members of the site and Midomi becomes a social network for amateur singers where you are voted and commented on.
I don't know if Midomi is a revolutionary service, the fact is that it works decently and manages to find music and songs with titles and authors. Midomi's limit is probably the database of songs he can recognize. Being a site born not long ago, there are not all the songs in the world and, I think, the results of Italian music are limited. The thing that bodes well, if the voice recognition works well, is that anyone can contribute to increase the database, singing, in the voice recording studio, the songs that are not yet present, of any language. In fact, Midomi associates the voice of those who seek the song with that of the singer; the principle is the same as the voice recognition used by mobile phones when registering your voice to automatically call a phone number.
SoundHound is instead an app for Android and iPhone that allows you to recognize a song, not only by listening to it, but also by singing it.
Similar to Midomi is the Tunatic program that does not recognize the titles of songs from a person's voice or whistle but by making the song heard from another source with the speakers of the computer and the microphone. Basically if you record a piece on the radio or have a piece of music on your mobile phone, you can trace the title via Tunatic.
Tunatic and Audiggle are discussed in the article "Find the title of a music by listening to it on your PC".
In another post, on the other hand, there is a description of how to search for a title of a music by playing notes on a piano.
If you were looking for a Karaoke, I refer you to the article on the best karaoke programs and services.

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