Sudoku free on PC and games Crossword puzzles online and for printing

Updated 16.2.13
You are on the train, you are going to work, you read the newspaper, you always discover the same news and then you immediately turn the page of the puzzle games and you think: "I could not buy the puzzle week instead of this useless partisan newspaper"> How many times has such a thing happened?
To me never because I hate puzzles of puzzles, however, many people, before going to bed or in moments of waiting, to kill time or to relax a bit, put themselves with a pencil in their hands to play Sudoku, crossword puzzles or that game of finding words in the middle of a pile of letters.
Let's not talk about web games seen in other articles with online puzzle games and 30 free flash logic games with puzzles and brain teasers.
On this occasion I wanted to report instead the sites where it is possible to download sudoku tables to be printed and where to create personalized puzzles, always to be printed, to be played with the pencil .
In short, if you are installing Windows 7, while waiting, better to play on paper rather than watching a bar that advances!
You can find a lot of Sudoku online, just write these two words on Google to reach a lot of sites that offer thousands of Sudoku to play directly on the computer.
One very famous in Italy especially for the amount of players who compete on the internet to climb the rankings is Sudoku di Repubblica .
We start with easy levels and then, as we move forward, we face more and more complex scoreboards until we become top Sudoku experts and first in the standings.
Other Sudoku Onlin and to play is SudokuXL, without registration, with immediate games and 4 difficulty levels.
SudokuXl games can also be printed to play on paper.
Sudoku can be played on PC from Windows 8 with the original Microsoft Sudoku game, free and very nice.
As for the Sudoku tables to print, the best site I found is called Printable Sudoku Puzzle .
This site is among the most appreciated for a simple fact, it contains 10, 000 tables to be printed to be played.
By opening the site, in fact, you can decide between 6 levels of difficulty and, for each of them, there are countless schemes to solve .
Clicking on a level opens the sheet, in image or pdf format, with 6 schemes.
By refreshing or updating the page, different patterns are reloaded each time.
Below, you can choose the Sudoku scheme based on the boxes already filled in, the less they are the more difficult.
Still at the bottom instead there are the empty schemes to be printed in order to write them in pen, there are then small displayboards for children, X Sudoku, Samurai Sudoku (numbers also diagonally) and there is the option to create a new Sudoku with your own personalized scheme always in print format.
With this latest mode, this site becomes virtually infinite and an unlimited sudoku container .
Finally, for each scheme there are also solutions.
Another famous puzzle game genre is the Word Search, the one where you have to search for words by marking them vertically or horizontally in the middle of a table of random letters.
Also for this type of game there is a site, called Puzzle Maker, which allows you to create custom crossword puzzles where you can decide the words to search.
Basically, you give a name to the game, write it under the words and then the board is automatically generated and you have to print it to play.
On the main PuzzleMaker site, you can also create numerous puzzle week crossword puzzles, such as that of the hidden phrase, the maze, the normal crossword puzzle with black boxes and the games with numbers.
Even if the site is in English, all these games can be created using only Italian words .
On the CrossWordlabs website you can simply and automatically create a simple crossword puzzle by writing the words one per line on the white space.
There are also some Windows PC programs to download for free and install to create even complex crossword puzzles :
- Puzzle Workshop
- Across Lite
- EclipseCrossword
In other articles:
- how to create "find the word" puzzles to print
- Best word games similar to Lyricist and Beetle online and on smartphone .
If you click on the figure above, there is my puzzle on the mysterious sentence to guess, can you solve it?
READ ALSO: Crossword, crossword and Sudoku games for iPhone and Android

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