Sites with historical maps, images and ancient photos

You can see historical images of any place or street corner on the internet. A more delicious thing, however, is to look for these historical images and photos by also making a comparison between how it is today and how it was yesterday, using modern tools such as Google Maps and Google Street View . In fact, projects were born that aim to collect historical photos of the past to preserve the history of any post. Through the support of Google Maps you can easily find the places you are interested in and then, using Google Earth, you can upload old photographs of any geographical position.
The result is an interactive world map where you can view vintage photos and compare them with current images.
1) First of all, the Google Maps gallery is a collection of historical maps from around the world and it is possible to search for those of ancient Rome, of Italy after the fall of the Roman Empire and much more.
2) Chronas is a site of historical maps that allows you to study history. The map recovers the data of the last 4000 years and allows you to read historical news of culture, laws, religions and much more. There are three types of maps, a clean one with borders and labels, intermediate with 200 indicators and the complete one that contains the entire history and a maximum of 5000 markers per year indicating exoduses, wars discovered, castles, capitals, artists, historical figures and much more.
3) The site that seems best started to collect historical images from all over the world is HistoryPin, created in collaboration with Google. The site works like a digital time machine, allowing people to view and share the history of places online. According to the creators of the site, the mission is to share memories and organize them using the site. In essence, it is a community, so anyone can register, upload their old photo, locate the place on Google Map and Google Street View maps and locate it precisely. When uploading a photo, you must enter the date and place where it was taken. You can also write stories, even personal ones, that tell the photos. To browse photos and stories, there is no need for an account, just use the search engine, by place or year. In Italy the photos are still few but still interesting and destined to grow. For some images you can see Street View with the current photo and the overlay of the historical photo to make a comparison yesterday / today .
4) Another nice site for looking at historical photos of a place's past is SepiaTown .
SepiaTown allows you to view historical images from all over the world and to share new ones by locating them in a specific position. SepiaTown allows you to see the past in an instant thanks to a large collection of photos that also concern Italian cities. The nice thing about this site is that, by clicking on a miniaturized photo in Google Maps, it is enlarged and then, on the right side, the Street View man appears. Pressing on the little man you can compare the place as it appears now, compared to the past .
To do this first, you can click the " then / now " link and view the subtraction photo and the current photo together.
5) The Old Maps Online site, on the other hand, is used to search for ancient and historical geographical maps . There is a timeline in which to select the year, the world map and, on the right, the various crete maps in history, from 1000 to today.
6) provides a historical online interactive atlas in which it is possible to trace the political boundaries of the world from 3000 BC to the present century. It has a time scale at the top that highlights time, shows political history, geographical borders on the map and the main events that have happened in history.
7) offers all the history of the world in a single site with atlas and historical encyclopedia. This website has a large collection of history maps divided by regions, free of charge
8) is another website with a world map and an option to see how the boundaries have changed over the centuries.
Other historical maps from around the world are on the University of Texas website, on the World Maps online site and on Flickr which presents a collection of images of ancient maps .
As already seen, Google Earth, in its latest version, presents images from the past.
Other historical images are on the CriticalPast site, already mentioned for online documentary videos.

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