You can write blog articles on Facebook Notes

Once upon a time, when Facebook posts could not be too long, those who wanted to share more complex and more complex thoughts used the Notes function.
The Notes then went into oblivion when Facebook removed any length limit to status updates and seemed like a feature destined to disappear forever.
Surprisingly, Facebook has renewed the Facebook Note function which has now become almost a blogging platform, to write and share on the internet thoughts that have a title and an image, as is the case for a blog article.
The updated version of Facebook Note is now available for everyone and allows you to write articles with text formatting tools, with the possibility of adding quotes, bulleted lists, headers and images .
The notes thus become the best tool to write a longer post to share with anyone or friends.
By opening the Facebook Notes page you get the list of notes written and shared by friends and you will notice, if it is not empty, that these have a cover and a title.
Pressing on top of My Notes you access the personal list of Notes and you have the possibility to add the link to this page to your profile.
To write a new Facebook Note, press the Add Note button.
The writing layout, very simple and elegant, allows you to immediately add a cover image and large title.
Below you can start writing and you will notice two buttons when you make the cursor appear.
One button allows you to add images or photos to the article while the other is used to write with a different header, to write numbered and bulleted quotes and lists.
If you select a written word or phrase with the mouse, you can then make it bold, italicized or add a link.
In practice, Facebook Note has become a real platform to write articles from blogs like this or even better, a perfect alternative to Blogger and Wordpress to create a blog, very essential, but very simple to use, without thinking about the care of graphics and to the html code, where posts are automatically shared on Facebook.
The only thing missing is the reading statistics which would be very interesting and which may be added later.
It also lacks the ability to write notes from the app for smartphones and tablets, but this will certainly be a feature close to being added in the future.

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