Do I have to unplug the charger from the outlet to save energy?

According to some (just do an internet search to find them), you should always unplug the chargers of mobile phones, tablets, computers and more, from electrical outlets to save energy also considerably.
This is the energy that is consumed by electronic devices anyway when they are on standby and not used .
To find out if it is true that even chargers consume this energy, it does not take who knows what scientific study but just do a test like the one described by a technician in his blog that measures the actual consumption of chargers and transformers when connected to the electrical outlet also if they don't upload anything.
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Just plug the tester into an electrical outlet and connect the charger to the meter.
This appliance is easy to use and works well to measure the energy consumption of anything, to be able to recognize any lamps or appliances that consume too much energy by making us pay more in the bill.
The immediate result of the test was unequivocal: by inserting several chargers (keeping them not running) to the meter, the one for iPhone, for iPad for the laptop, for the Android tablet, none of them showed energy consumption.
A consumption of 0.0 watts was always marked on the screen of the meter.
However, considering that the measuring device may not be accurate and not indicate the consumption if they are too low, another test was carried out by connecting all the chargers to a power strip and then this to the meter.
With 6 chargers plugged into the sockets, the result has changed slightly and the meter has marked a consumption of 0.3 watts .
At this point the cost of this 0.3 watt consumption can be calculated assuming that these 6 chargers are connected to the sockets 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for every day of the year.
The annual consumption calculation of the chargers thus becomes 2.628 kilowatt hours (kWh).
If we use the price per kWh reported by the authority for electricity in Italy we have an average cost of approximately 16.6 cents per kWh.
This means that 2, 628 kWh of electricity cost about 43.6 cents in a year.
The real cost will also be lower since these chargers will still be used and that probably not all will remain attached to the sockets for every day of the year.
However, dividing the figure of 43.6 cents by the 6 chargers, we obtain the figure of 7.2 cents which is the cost of annual consumption of a charger attached to the socket without charging anything.
Although the calculation may vary depending on the sockets, the area in which you are located and the meter and charger used, it is clear that the real cost of leaving the smartphone charger connected for a whole year is still very low .
The answer to the question therefore is that you can leave the chargers inserted in the sockets to keep them always ready for use without disconnecting the plug since their electrical consumption is practically zero.
That said, however, there are always other devices that, even when turned off, consume energy if kept always connected to the power outlet, especially those that have LEDs.
With the meter you can find out which of them consumes the most and check, as seen here, the cost of keeping it always attached.
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