If the Windows 10 Clock does not update: how to always have the correct time

If we spend a lot of time on the PC, we will certainly use the time indicated at the bottom right by Windows 10 as a reference for our activities on the PC, so we expect it to be always precise and punctual.
Unfortunately, the indicated time is not always the right one: the installation of other operating systems on the same disk used by Windows (in particular GNU / Linux), long periods without turning on the PC or changing some internal component can bring the clock to mark a different time than the one actually going on in Italy.
In this guide we will then show you how to fix the Windows 10 clock if it indicates the wrong time or does not update automatically, indicating where to retrieve the exact time, how to use NTP servers to obtain precise times and whether to investigate the hardware of the system (probable cause of loss of time).
READ ALSO: Computer time accurate and synchronized with the atomic clock on Windows
1) Where to get the exact time "> OraEsatta.co

Let's mark the time indicated by this site.
This time is obtained through sophisticated atomic clocks and used internationally, so we can be sufficiently sure of their accuracy.
2) Adjust the time on Windows
To adjust the busted time on Windows 10, simply click with the right mouse button on the clock icon and select, in the context menu that will appear, the item Change date / time .

In the new menu we click on the Edit button under the heading Change date and time and enter the time obtained from the site visited just before.
If the time is busted or not updated it could also be the fault of an unsuitable time zone; in this case, simply open the Time Zone drop-down menu and select UTC + 1 (Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna), which is the official time zone for Italy.
If the time has changed for the transition to summer or winter time but the PC still shows the old time, simply activate the check Switch automatically to summer time to allow the PC to change the time on the preset days for the change.
In Windows 7 the options to adjust the clock are instead in the Control Panel, inside the Date and Time section.
3) Automatically update the time on Windows 10
We don't want to waste time behind the Windows 10 time settings ">
Now Windows 10 will use a server available through the Internet to keep the time and time zone up to date, so you never have surprises.
Despite this setting, did we notice a time busted on the PC?
Perhaps the server used by the operating system is not active or marks a bad time; we can correct this problem by opening the Control Panel (the classic one, just look for it in the Start menu), clicking on Clock and regional settings and finally clicking on the item Set date and time .
The old menu will open to set the time on Windows, famous since the days of Windows XP!
Let's go immediately to the Internet Time tab and click on Change settings to open the menu with NTP servers, those that provide the exact time for all Windows systems.
Make sure that the checkbox Synchronize with an Internet time server is active then in the drop-down menu we select time.nist.gov, a much more reliable and always operational server to supply the time to PCs with Windows.

Now the PC should have the time perfectly updated with the time zone, without any problem!
4) GNU / Linux can bust the time ">
Let's remove it with the help of a wooden toothpick and change it with a CR2032 lithium battery, like the one available here -> Pchero 3 Volt CR2032 lithium button cell battery (24 batteries, € 8.99).

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